Tidligere æresdoktorer

Fra UV-fakultetet nomineres æresdoktorer hvert tredje år. Fakultetets æresdoktorers æresforelesning  har  også ofte vært fakultetets Helga Eng forelesning samme år.

Les mer om æresdoktorgraden ved UiO. Fakultetets æresdoktorer holder en æresdoktorforelesning i forbindelse med kreeringen. Nedenfor følger oversikt over fakultetets æresdoktorer og tittel på deres forelesning:


Tidspunkt Æresdoktor  - navn Tema
2024 Eric Dearing "Developmental obstacles and opportunities for children growing up poor in wealthy societies"
2020, kreert i 2022 Professor Pamela Grossman "The Dream of a Common Language: Core Practices for Teaching" (pdf)
2017 Professor Jan-Eric Gustafsson

 Schooling and cognitive abilities.

2014 Professor Charles Hulme, University College London. Is neuroscience a useful guide to developing educational interventions? 
2011 Professor Anne Edwards, University of Oxford, England. A relational turn in professional practices.

Professor Cathrine Elizabeth Snow Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University

Researcher-Practitioner Collaborations: Under what conditions do they actually improve educational practice?
2005 Yrjö Engeström, Professor, Ph.D.
Universitetet i Helsinki

Studying learning and development as expansive phenomena.

2000 Professor Linda Darling-Hammond, National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching. Teachers College Columbia University Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century.
1997 Professor James Wertsch, Department of Education, Washington University in St. Louis Language and Identities: Unresolved Issues and Challenges for the future.


Publisert 7. aug. 2013 16:52 - Sist endret 28. juni 2024 13:51