Tidligere Helga Eng-forelesninger

Oversikt over tidligere års Helga Eng-forelesninger.

Tidspunkt Helg Eng-foreleserens navn Tema

Professor Patricia Alexander, Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, College of Education, University of Maryland, USA

Redefining Literacy for All in the 21st Century: The Nexus of Text, Critical Thinking, and Technology.
2018 Dekan ved University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education, USA, professor Pam Grossman. A Language for Teaching, A Framework for Improvement.
2017 Professor Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Göteborgs Universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik Schooling and Cognitive Abilities
2016 Professor Marianna Papastephanou,University of Cyprus, Department of Education Democracy, Education and Patriotism of a Kind: but what kind?
2015 Professor Ian Menter, Universitetet I Oxford  What is a teacher in the 21st century and what does a 21st century teacher need to know?
2014 Se om fakultetets æresdoktorkandidat  
2013 Professor Stefan Thomas Hopmann The End of Schooling as We Know It? The Rise and Fall of Public Schooling.
2012 Professorene Lynn og Douglas Fuchs, Vanderbilt University Understanding the cognitive underpinnings of at-risk learners' response to intervention
2011 Professor Andrew Pollard, Institute of Education, London. Unlocking Learning? Towards Evidence-informed Policy and Practice in Education
2010  Professor Sverker Sörlin, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) i Stockholm  Kunskapspolitik med mänskligt ansikte – är det möjligt?
2009 Professor Donald Broady, Utbildningsvetenskapeliga fakulteten, Uppsala universitet, (Avholdt januar 2010) Utbildningsvetenskapens egenart

Professor Cathrine Elizabeth Snow Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University

Researcher-Practitioner Collaborations: Under what conditions do they actually improve educational practice?
2006 Professor Gudmund Hernes Læringskoalisjonen: Hva den er og hvordan vi skal få den til å fungere.
2005 Yrjö Engeström, Professor, Ph.D.
Universitetet i Helsinki

Studying learning and development as expansive phenomena.

2004 Professor, dr. phil. Kirsten Drotner, Syd-dansk universitet. Medier og dannelse - pedagogiske utfordringer for et komplekst samfunn
2003 Professor dr.phil. Per Schultz Jørgensen Kompetansebegrepet - vitenskap, praksis eller politikk?
2002 Professor John Macbeath, University of Cambridge Leading in a time of change.
2001 Professor Wolfgang Klafki, Key Problems of the Modern World - Central Dimensions of Curriculum for International Education.
2000 Professor Linda Darling-Hammond, National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools and Teaching. Teachers College Columbia University Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century.
1999 Professor Carol Weiss, Harvard University Studying the Linkage between Evaluation and Educational Policy.
1998 Professor Edgar W. Jenkins, School of Education, University of Leeds Who Owns Teachers' Work?
1997 Professor James Wertsch, Department of Education, Washington University in St. Louis Language and Identities: Unresolved Issues and Challenges for the future.


Publisert 18. aug. 2023 10:59 - Sist endret 18. aug. 2023 10:59