Learning Outcomes in Norwegian and English degree programmes (PhD project) (completed)

This project investigates how the growing focus on Learning Outcomes in European Higher Education be interpreted conceptually and empirically.


The project uses a multi-level, comparative approach to explore how learning outcomes are interpreted and operationalized in two national systems (Norway and England) and in contrasting disciplinary areas.

The project is supervised by prof. Bjørn Stensaker


Due to the contested nature of Learning outcomes, and the lack of information about their application and impact  on the programme and student levels, the project aims to:

Describe and compare the ways in which Learning Outcomes are being translated and applied in contrasting national and programme contexts.
Shed light on the impact and influence at the level of study programmes, in terms of course priorities and approaches to teaching and assessment, and on the student level, in terms of students’ expectations, experience and perceived outcomes.


Some aspects of the project and some Norwegian data collection will be linked to the Higher Education Learning Outcomes (HELO) project, a collaboration between NIFU, PFI, HiOA and the University of Bergen, funded by the Norwegian Research Council.

Resarch category

Basic research


Published June 14, 2013 5:51 PM - Last modified May 14, 2020 3:09 PM


Rachel Sweetman




  • Rachel Sweetman University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants