Language Development in children with Specific Language Impairment (completed)

This meta-analysis concerns studies comparing spesific language impairment/dyslexic children and control children on verbal short term memory and phonological awareness as well as correlational studies on reading, verbal short-term memory and phonological awareness.

Meta-analysis of verbal short-term memory, phonological awareness and reading skills

The projects main goal is to provide a comprehensive review of the extensive research base on this topic over the last 30 years, in order to summarize the relationship between learning to read, verbal short term-memory and phonological awareness, and to point out factors that affect this relationship. About 350 papers are included in the meta-analysis.
Klem, M. Hagtvet, B. Melby-Lervåg, M. & Hulme, C

Meta-analysis of prior studies on clinical markers for specific language impairment (SLI)

A clinical marker represents a symptom for the impairment and will help a clinician attempting to make decisions about whether a child is at risk for SLI or if the child is likely to be a part of the normal continuum and variation seen in language development in young children (Conti-Ramsden & Hesketh 2003).The clinical markers included in the study are both processing markers (i.e. nonword repetition, sentence repetition and word recall) and linguistic markers (i.e. past tense test/use of grammatical morphemes). The meta-analysis seeks to evaluate different markers of SLI and also which factors that moderate the markers’sensitivity.
Klem, M., Hagtvet, B.E. & Melby-Lervåg, M

Evaluation of "Språk4" (Language 4) (Horn & Dalin 2003)

“Språk 4” is a screening procedure for identifying language delay in 4-year-olds performed in the health care centres. The study aims to evaluate the test's reliability, content validity, predictability and clinical utility. A sample (N=approx. 218) of monolingual, Norwegian speaking children, recruited from a cohort of 4-year-olds, have been screened for language delay with "SPRÅK 4" at a routine control in health care centres at age 4. Comparisons are made between the children’s performance on "SPRÅK 4" and scores on standardised language measures (vocabulary, grammar and phonological processing, ages 4, 5 and 6.Responsible: Klem, Hagtvet (supervisor), Hulme (co-supervisor).

Longitudinal study of development and language outcomes in a sample of children identified as language delayed at age 4

The sample (n=approx 15) include children selected on the basis of being identified as language delayed according to a language assessment at health care centres in and nearby Oslo ("Språk4"; Horn & Dalin 2003). The children’s language development is assessed once a year from age 4 through 6. The results of the "at-risk-sample" is compared with a sample (N=218) of monolingual, Norwegian speaking 4-year-olds. Responsible: Klem, Hagtvet (supervisor).

Published Oct. 21, 2010 2:32 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2019 9:34 AM


  • Marianne Klem University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants