Bilingual Children with Minority Background - Part 1 (completed)

Language development in second language learners. Challenges faced by language-minority children learning Norwegian as a second language.

Language development in Norwegian second language learners from kindergarten to the second grade

The aim of the study is to describe the language development of a group of language-minority children during the age period 5 through 7 years, and to identify early predictors of second grade language and literacy skills. The language development of 60-70 children with Urdu or Punjabi as their first language will be followed longitudinally.  Background information from the homes and kindergartens will also be assessed, to see how these factors relates to the children’s development of language. The development of vocabulary, their narrative production and reading
skills are the main topics.

The project has the potential of being a valuable base for further research on this group of children. We hope for funding for a future Ph.D. Student to do a follow up.  First point of measurement was in the autumn of 2010.

Responsible: Karlsen, Lyster (supervisor), Hagtvet (co-supervisor).

Literacy in Second Language Learners: Systematic Review

Funded from 2009-2011 by a personal postdoc grant to Monica Melby-Lervåg (NFR) this first study is a meta-analysis of prior studies on oral language, phonological awareness, decoding and reading comprehension skills in L2 learners. About 300 studies comparing L2 learners with L1 learners and correlational studies of first and second language skills in L2 learners are included. The meta-analysis seeks to reveal the differences between L1 and L2 learners on oral language, phonological awareness, decoding and reading comprehension, and also the moderators of these skills. Further, the meta-analysis seeks to enlighten the relationship between L1 and L2 in L2 learners.
Melby-Lervåg, M. & Lervåg, A.

Published Oct. 21, 2010 2:41 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2019 9:38 AM


  • Jannicke Karlsen University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants