Begrunnelser på eksamenskarakterer ved Institutt for spesialpedagogikk

Du har rett til å få en begrunnelse for karakterfastsettingen. Krav om begrunnelse skal leveres ved å fylle ut følgende skjema:

Nettskjema for begrunnelse (bokmål)

Nettskjema for grunngjeving (nynorsk)

Ved skriftlige prøver må du kreve begrunnelse innen en uke fra karakteren ble kunngjort. Sensor bestemmer om begrunnelsen skal gis skriftlig eller muntlig. Dersom det er en muntlig eller praktisk eksamen, må du kreve begrunnelse umiddelbart etter at karakteren er meddelt, altså der og da.

Begrunnelsen skal normalt gis innen to uker etter at du har bedt om det.

Explanations of your grades: Department of Special Needs

As a student you have the right to receive an explanation of your grades. If you wish to do request such an explanation, you should send an e-mail to In the subject area you should write “Explanation of [course-code]". In the e-mail message, you must specify for which examination you request an explanation and your candidate number. If grades are published earlier than the announced date, the deadline for requesting an explanation is one week from the originally announced date.

If it is a written examination, the deadline to send a request is one week after the grade has been published. If it is an oral or practical examination, the deadline is immediately after you have received your grade. The examiner is entitled to decide whether the explanation will be provided in written or oral form.

The explanation of the grade will normally be given within two weeks after receipt of the student’s request.

Publisert 30. jan. 2019 15:04 - Sist endret 30. jan. 2019 15:41