Nettsider med emneord «Educational research»

Rader med pulter. Illustration photo.
Publisert 4. sep. 2018 19:07

The Association for Educational Assessment-Europe hosts an annual conference on current topics surrounding educational assessment. This year's topic reads: "Building Bridges to Future Educational Assessment".

Publisert 7. des. 2018 15:13

The next ECER addresses topics around 'Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future'. Besides, it includes presentations of current research in educational sciences in general.

Personer med notatblokker sitter og noterer. Illustrasjonsfoto.
Publisert 2. nov. 2018 10:05

This is the annual research seminar hosted by ILS. LEA contributes with talks and posters about the latest research in the group.

Mann skriver på tastatur
Publisert 15. jan. 2015 13:18

The research group “Large-scale Educational Assessment” (LEA) is aimed at developing and validating large-scale assessments, addressing relevant questions in education based on large-scale assessment data, and disseminating the findings obtained from large-scale assessment data analysis to a broad audience.

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Publisert 24. juli 2019 11:41

In this recently published special issue, researchers bring to attention that school effectiveness and accountability need a differential perspective to pave the way for school improvement. The authors of the papers take different perspectives on the topic and provide empirical evidence backing the "differential" aspect.

Bildet kan inneholde: svart, arkitektur, svart og hvit, stil, font.
Publisert 14. jan. 2015 17:51

Forskergruppen “Large-scale Educational Assessment” (LEA) har som mål å utvikle og validere storskala-undersøkelser, å adressere relevante spørsmål innen utdanning og å formidle funn fra analyser basert på slike undersøkelser til et bredt publikum (politikere og skoleeiere, forskere, lærere, skoler og studenter).

Children's hands playing with lego. Photo
Publisert 6. mars 2024 13:42

Minecraft and Lego blocks, pinecones and Super Mario stars. Maybe it’s just us grown-ups making a false distinction between screen play and other kinds of play?