Nettsider med emneord «Nordic countries»

Kiristi Klette presenterer funn under Arendalsuka. Foto.
Publisert 28. aug. 2023 15:07

Selv om norske lærere gjør mye bra så er det rom for forbedring i den faglige støtten til elevene, sier professor i klasseromsforskning ved UiO.   

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Publisert 16. aug. 2023 11:46

The treatment of second languages and mother tongues in schools is one test of how well Nordic values of social justice, equity, and inclusion are communicated in policy documents.

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Publisert 1. mars 2022 15:28

Kirsten Sivesind, in collaboration with Petteri Hansen (University of Helsinki, Finland) and Rune Thostrup (Aarhus University, Denmark), investigates how ‘The Future School’ reports, published by Nordic state authorities between 2010 and 2015, project the future and the future school.