Nettsider med emneord «publication»

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Publisert 18. jan. 2023 09:31

Jelena has contributed to an article which reports on the psychometric properties of the expectancy-value scale — an instrument intended to measure students' motivation in mathematics. More information on the study and its findings can be found underneath.

Bildet kan inneholde: briller, synsomsorg, bildesign, øyeglass tilbehør, briller.
Publisert 16. aug. 2023 13:12

LEA member Jelena Radisic has published a book chapter in an open-access book on The Evolution of Research on Teaching Mathematics. Jelena's book chapter discusses, among other things, how we use student (learning) outcomes to assess students' mathematical understanding. (See below for more information).

Bildet kan inneholde: briller, synsomsorg, bildesign, øyeglass tilbehør, briller.
Publisert 11. sep. 2023 10:13

LEA member Tove Stjern Frønes har publisert en artikkel i bøket "101 måter å lese på: en teoretisk og praktisk lesedidaktikk". Artikkelen  omhandler leseforståelse og hvordan vi kan legge til rette for arbeid med forståelse og lesing i alle fag, i tråd med intensjonene i Kunnskapsløftet. (Se hele sammendrag nedenfor).

Bildet kan inneholde: briller, synsomsorg, bildesign, øyeglass tilbehør, briller.
Publisert 18. jan. 2023 09:32

Jelena has contributed to an article which reports on the psychometric properties of the expectancy-value scale — an instrument intended to measure students' motivation in mathematics. More information on the study and its findings can be found underneath.

Bildet kan inneholde: briller, synsomsorg, bildesign, øyeglass tilbehør, briller.
Publisert 16. aug. 2023 11:50

LEA member Jelena Radisic has published a book chapter in an open-access book on The Evolution of Research on Teaching Mathematics. Jelena's book chapter discusses, among other things, how we use student (learning) outcomes to assess students' mathematical understanding. (See below for more information).