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Guest researcher stay

If you want to apply for a guest researcher stay at CEMO with your own funding, please take note of the following:

  • Indicate with whom you wish to collaborate. Our procedures require that you get in touch with at least one researcher at CEMO, if possible two, who are interested in collaborating with you on publishing joint articles or carrying out joint research projects. Once they have confirmed their interest in collaboration, a letter of intent will be made by the director so that you can apply for funding
  • Research topic and planned outcome must be relevant to CEMO's profile
  • Apply at least 3 months in advance of your estimated arrival (*applicants from outside the EU/EEA must apply 6 months in advance)
  • Guest researchers are expected to present their work in an internal seminar

Candidate guest researchers should submit the following after having come to an agreement with the potential CEMO collaborator(s), and send the application to with the following:

  • CV

  • A two-page personal statement that includes the name of CEMO team member(s) with whom you want to work, a description of the project that you intend to work on during your stay, and the expected outcome of your stay at CEMO


Relevant links

International researchers at UiO