FREMO 2023 Schedule

Now, you can download the FREMO 2023 conference program here and the abstracts here!


The registration desk will be located at Toppsenteret on September 5th from 16:00 to 16:30, and near the Forum room on September 6th and 7th between 08:15 and 10:00.

Oral presentation

Each presenter will be allocated a total of 15 minutes for their presentation. Following your presentation, there will be a question and answer session, allowing approximately 3 minutes for inquiries from the audience.

Poster session

Each participant should place their poster between 16:10 and 16:30 in the designated area in Toppsenteret at Oslo Science Park. You will find a board panel bearing your name along with push pins that can be used to attach your poster. We recommend adhering to the proposed poster size of A0 (841mm long x 1189mm high) for optimal presentation.

Conference Schedule

Day 0, Tuesday, September 5, 2023






Workshop: Equating test scores with R

Marie Wiberg






Workshop: Equating test scores with R

Marie Wiberg



Welcome reception and poster session

Björn Andersson


Day 1, Wednesday, September 6, 2023







Rolf Vegar Olsen



Keynote: Achieving fairness and accuracy: Equating test scores across nonequivalent groups

Marie Wiberg

Chair: Rolf Vegar Olsen






Parallel session 1A: “Estimation and model fit”

Chair: Cees Glas

Hagen 1-2


Estimating Interrater Reliability for Planned Missing Observational Designs

Debby ten Hove, Letty Koopman


Longitudinal Modeling of Age-Dependent Latent Traits with Generalized Additive Latent and Mixed Models

Øystein Sørensen


Fast estimation of longitudinal generalized linear latent and mixed models with a second-order Laplace approximation

Björn Andersson


Non-parametric regression among factor scores

Julien Irmer, Steffen Grönneberg


An evaluation of factor model fit procedures under non-normality and high dimensions

Njål Foldnes



Parallel session 1B: “Measurement of non-cognitive constructs”

Chair: Rolf Vegar Olsen

Hagen 3


The Relationship between Academic Resilience and Psychological Well-Being – an Analysis of Swedish PISA 2018 data

Deborah Elin Siebecke, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Maria Jarl


Examining psychometric properties of Woodworth Psychoneurotic Inventory under binary IRT models

Hsin Kao, Chia-Wen Chen


Validity and comparability of the leisure time questionnaires in the Evaluation Through Follow-up study

Erika Majoros, Thea Klapp, Alli Klapp


Measurement comparability of academic self-perception across and within cohorts in the Evaluation through Follow-up study

Thea Klapp


Motivational beliefs and writing performance in Peruvian secondary school students: a multigroup analysis

Frank Villegas






Parallel session 2A: “Equating, linking and scaling”

Chair: David Greger

Hagen 1-2


Improved item response theory ability scales using information theory

Joakim Wallmark


Discrete kernels for smoothing score distributions

Jorge González, Marie Wiberg


Obtaining comparable scores from multiple test forms in case of non-equivalent groups via repeated covariate equating

Patrícia Martinková, Michaela Vařejková, Eva Potužníková


Streamlining Item Generation: A Visual and Numerical Systematization of Qualitative Data from Multiple Sources

Tine Nielsen, Morten Pettersson



Parallel session 2B: Modern test design

Chair: Johan Braeken

Hagen 3


Semi-adaptive designs: The case of the Norwegian numeracy mapping test for primary education

Guri A. Nortvedt, Henrik H. Haram, Karianne Berg Bratting, Oksana Kovpanets, Andreas Pettersen


Optimal item calibration for the Swedish national test in Mathematics - design, IRT analysis and results

Ellinor Fackle Fornius, Frank Miller


Progressive-Restricted method decreases item exposure in high-stakes Computerized Adaptive Testing

Alexandre Jaloto, Ricardo Primi


Visualizing uncertainty to promote understanding of measurement error in score reports

Niek Frans, Benjamin Hummelen, Casper Albers, Muirne Paap


Investigating an invariant item-cluster ordering using nonparametric item response theory

Letty Koopman, Johan Braeken






Parallel session 3A: “Multilevel modeling”

Chair: Ronny Scherer

Hagen 1-2


Classroom Climate and Teacher Self-Efficacy in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Elementary Classrooms: A State-Trait Analysis

Jacqueline Michelle Peterson


Students as informants: A mixed Partial Credit Model to compare school environments

Pablo Torres Irribarra, Maximiliano Romero Miranda, Diego Carrasco Ogaz, Sabine Meinck


Effect of item responses and distractor choices on response certainties: an application of multilevel SEM

Chia-Wen Chen, Jinxin Zhu


Synthesizing Contextual Effects: A Comparison of the Two-Stage Meta-Analytic and One-Stage Multilevel Modeling Approaches in the presence of Individual Participant Data

Diego Campos, Mike W- Cheung, Ronny Scherer



Parallel session 3B: “Automated scoring and item generation”

Chair: Kim de Roover

Hagen 3


CheckMate: using natural language processing to help teachers score short answers to open-ended items faster

Joost Kruis


Using natural language processing to automate the assessment of student essay content

Aron Fink, Sebastian Gombert, Andreas Frey


AI-Literacy Network: Automatically analyzing stories written by primary school students in an international literacy network

Steinrücke Johannes, Amir Haeri Maryam, Roelofs Erik






Keynote: Interrater Reliability and Optimal Weights for components of Multidimensional Observational Instruments

Speaker: Cees Glas

Chair: Ronny Scherer



Conference dinner


Eik Annen Etage 

Day 2, Thursday, September 7, 2023






Keynote: The mixture approach to finding measurement invariance across countries

Speaker: Kim de Roover

Chair: Johan Braeken






Parallel session 4A: “Assessment designs”

Chair: Monica Rosén

Hagen 1-2


Advancing DIF Analysis: A Three-Phased Approach for Identifying and Mitigating Bias in High-Stakes Assessments

David Budzynski, Ben Smith


Using Diagnostic Models to Evaluate Student Learning Hierarchies in a Large-Scale Assessment

W. Jake Thompson, Brooke Nash, Jeffrey C. Hoover


A New Framework for Universally-Designed Assessments

Meagan Karvonen, Cara Laitusis


Developing the Basic Skills Assessment: a math test for a high dosage tutoring program

Kim Brandes, Milada Speet, Karmijn Steekelenburg, Thijs van Leuven, Gwendoline Moenandar, Samantha Bouwmeester


Implementing game-based assessment: the effect of context authenticity on measurement validity

Aranka Bijl, Sebastiaan de Klerk, Saskia Wools, Bernard Veldkamp



Parallel session 4B: “Disengaged responding”

Chair: Chia-Wen Chen

Hagen 3


Learning from mistakes - or not? Examining repeated mistakes in app-based learning

Jarl K. Kristensen, Janne v. K. Torkildsen, Björn Andersson


From Start to End: Item Nonresponse as a Function of The Sequential Item Position on the PISA 2018 Student Questionnaire

Kseniia Marcq, Johan Braeken


Prevalence of Random Responders as a function of Scale Position and Questionnaire Length in the TIMSS 2015 eighth-grade Student Questionnaire

Saskia van Laar, Johan Braeken


Test-taking behaviors after manipulation of test stakes

Michalis Michaelides, Despoina Chatzidimitriou, Myria Chatzimichail, Valentina Ierotheou






Parallel session 5A: “Adaptive testing”

Chair: Jorge González

Hagen 1-2


Parallel optimal calibration of mixed-format items for achievement tests

Frank Miller, Ellinor Fackle-Fornius


Optimal Item Calibration in the Context of the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test

Jonas Bjermo, Ellinor Fackle Fornius, Frank Miller


Dealing with Local Item Dependence in item bank calibration and CAT administration: The item-enemy principle

Johan Braeken, Niek Frans, Muirne Paap


Flexible Computer Adaptive Testing: Estimating Item and Total Score Density with Latent Class Models

Anastasios Psychogyiopoulos, Niels Smits, Andries van der Ark


Semi-adaptive testing with block design – comparing design-determined and estimated item difficulties

Daniel Bergh, Tine Nielsen



Parallel session 5B: “International large scale assessments”

Chair: Björn Andersson

Hagen 3


The Link between Gender Gaps in School Enrollment and School Achievement

Isa Steinmann, Leslie Rutkowski


Behind the scenes: The Transition from Paper-Based to Technology-Based International Large-Scale Assessments

Heiko Sibberns


Using TIMSS to evaluate the outcomes of an alternative mathematics curriculum

David Greger, Eva Potužníková, Patrícia Martinková


Dimensionality of TIMSS science assessment: are subscale scores sufficiently distinct?

Yuan-Ling Liaw, Rolf Strietholt






Keynote: Potential benefits and challenges of log data in large-scale assessment

Speaker: Frank Goldhammer

Chair: Björn Andersson




Johan Braeken


Published Oct. 12, 2022 5:26 PM - Last modified Jan. 29, 2024 1:58 PM