Comparing motivations of pre-service and beginning teachers in China: impact of culture and experience

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Picture of Wangqiong Ye.

Doctoral Research Fellow Wangqiong Ye.

Photo: Øystein Andresen/UiO.

The study examines beginning teachers’ and pre-service teachers’ motivation to teach in China. Data are drawn from questionnaires completed by 107 beginning teachers (full-time teachers with fewer than six years’ working experience) and 122 pre-service teachers, and semi-structured interviews with 19 of them. The respondents all emphasised social influences, personal utility value, and social utility value, and all viewed the teaching profession as a career high in demands but low in returns. However, pre-service teachers showed higher motivation than beginning teachers, except for items regarding intrinsic value, fall-back careers, and teaching ability. This study suggests a ‘culture-motivation’ framework for understanding teachers’ motivation in China.

Ye, Wangbei; Wang, Zixuan; Zhang, Xuan; Ding, Yingying & Ye, Wangqiong (2021). Comparing motivations of pre-service and beginning teachers in China: impact of culture and experience. Journal of Education for Teaching. ISSN 0260-7476. 47(4), s. 576–589. doi: 10.1080/02607476.2021.1898911.

Published Nov. 2, 2021 3:45 PM - Last modified Mar. 4, 2024 12:29 PM