Norwegian version of this page

Fairness of educational attainment and its measures in Norway

In this project, we investigate causal mechanisms behind achievement gaps and academic resilience in education. In addition, we attempt to disentangle the effects of Norwegian school reforms on educational quality and effects of societal developments.

GIrl packing her backpack.

Illustration: Colourbox.


A basic goal of education systems is to guarantee all children equal educational opportunities. Nevertheless, substantial gaps in Norwegian students’ educational attainment exist related to students’ gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background and/or to contextual characteristics such as neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics or school quality. Furthermore, there is particularly scant knowledge regarding whether reforms of the Norwegian school system had effects with respect to educational inequality.


  • To disentangle the causal mechanisms behind achievement gaps and academic resilience in education by jointly examining individual and context effects on skill development.
  • To examine the development of educational inequalities during schooling and over the life-course.
  • To disentangle the development of educational inequalities from societal developments.
  • To examine whether reforms of the Norwegian school system had any effects with respect to educational equality and resilience
  • To disentangle educational and societal inequalities from measurement effects caused through bias by examining the fairness of educational attainment measures.


We will use anonymized linked data on individuals comprising the entire population of Norway since 1970. The data comes from national registries in Norway and external data sets, and Statistics Norway links and anonymizes all data sets before releasing them for research use.

Undertaking the research tasks in this project requires broadening our horizon beyond one framework. For example, disentangling individual and context effects on educational attainment calls for the use of quasi-experimental methods, while developing and validating indicators of equality and equity appropriate for the data at hand advise the use of psychometric methods such as IRT.



Personal Data

Our analyses will be based on Register data where individuals have been anonymized and from which only aggregate results will be published. If you can be identified in the data material, you have the right to:

  • Gain insight into which personal information is registered about you
  • Have your personal information corrected
  • Have your personal information deleted
  • Gain a copy of your personal information, and
  • Send a complaint to “personvernombudet” or “Datatilsynet” about how your personal data are handled

If you have questions regarding the study or wish to exercise your rights as registered person, you can contact:

  • Rolf Vegar Olsen, 
  • UiO's Personal Data Officer at 
Published Oct. 27, 2022 11:00 AM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2024 9:56 AM


Detailed list of participants