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Outcomes and Causal Inference in International Comparative Assessments (completed)

About the project

OCCAM will educate the next generation of educational researchers. It aims to investigate the effects of educational policy, focusing on trends and differences in educational achievement, the determinants of educational outcomes, and changes in educational outcomes from an international perspective. International large-scale studies on student achievement (ILSA) in mathematics, reading, and science have been conducted since the late 1960s. However, in the past, the data from these studies have been used almost exclusively for cross-sectional comparisons. OCCAM goes beyond the state of art by shifting the focus from cross-sectional correlation to longitudinal trend analysis on a country level.

The funding is used to employ and support 15 PhDs, including providing them with regular network meetings and workshops. Each PhD is employed at one of the partner institutions, but all of them will also have extensive stays at another institution (six months) as part of their training.

Two of the PhDs are employed at CEMO, starting August 2018. Jelena Veletic will use data from mainly PISA and TALIS to study how school leadership fosters conditions for and results in learning outcome. Ye Wangqiong will use data from several ILSA to study how instructional quality may affect the conditions for performance and equity


The OCCAM research program entails two categories of interrelated objectives:

  1. To gain a deeper understanding of how to describe and compare international trends relating to educational outcomes.
  2. To extend existing theories on educational effectiveness regarding the effects of a large set of policy-related issues.



The OCCAM ETN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant number 765400.


Published Apr. 16, 2018 10:04 AM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2024 10:56 AM


Project Leaders:

Project leader OCCAM

Wilfried Bos, Technical University of Dortmund

Leader for the University of Oslo part of the project:

Rolf Vegar Olsen, CEMO


  • Rolf Vegar Olsen University of Oslo
  • Wangqiong Ye University of Oslo
  • Wilfried Bos
  • Rolf Strietholt
  • Alexandra Selent
  • Monica Rosén
  • Ludger Woessmann
  • Rianne Janssen
  • Ides Nicaise
  • Cor Sluijter
  • Agnes Stancel-Piątak
  • Leonidas Kyriakides
  • John Jerrim
  • Wolfram Schulz
  • Eugenio J. Gonzalez
  • Heinz-Dieter Meyer
Detailed list of participants