Developing a shared cluster construct of instructional leadership in TALIS.

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Foto av Jelena Veletic

Stipendiat Jelena Veletic.

Foto: Øystein Andersen/UiO.

In the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), instructional leadership is measured by the self-reports of principals on three items only. When this measure is investigated together with teacher satisfaction with current work environment, no significant associations were found in the Nordic countries participating in the TALIS 2013 round. This paper argues that a potential reason for this might be the severely underrepresented construct of instructional leadership. As an alternative approach, teacher data from the same study are used to establish two important dimensions of instructional leadership at the school level: 1) managing the instructional program and 2) developing the school learning climate. Applying multilevel structural equation modelling (MSEM), we establish two shared cluster constructs at the

Bildet kan inneholde: person, ansikt, hår, hode, panne.
Professor Rolf Vegar Olsen.
Foto: Øystein Andersen/UiO.

school level and observe significant modest relationships between these constructs and teacher job satisfaction with current work environment. The paper brings to our attention the different approaches for interpreting, exploring, and making sense of instructional leadership in international large-scale studies, such as TALIS, from the joint perspective of teachers.


Veletic, Jelena & Olsen, Rolf Vegar (2020). Developing a shared cluster construct of instructional leadership in TALIS. Studies in Educational Evaluation.  ISSN 0191-491X.  68 . doi:

Publisert 11. nov. 2020 14:04 - Sist endra 4. okt. 2022 13:42