Variability and generalizability of ratings on the quality of mathematics instruction between and within lessons.

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Bilde av professor Sigrid Blömeke

Professor Sigrid Blömeke.

Foto: Øystein Andersen/UiO.

Measuring instructional quality with observer ratings has received great attention within the last years, resulting in first evidence on the variability between lessons. However, there is a lack of research on the extent to which observer ratings vary during a lesson. Furthermore, there are hardly any studies that compared the stability of generic and subject-specific characteristics of instructional quality. The study presented here departs from these desiderata and investigates into the stability of generic and subject-specific characteristics of instructional quality, both between and within lessons. We measured instructional quality in 37 classes during two lessons of mathematics instruction and four segments per lesson. Trained observers rated five characteristics of instructional quality, three of which represent the basic dimensions (classroom management, student support, cognitive activation) and two of which are subject-specific (subject-related and teaching-related mathematics educational quality). The results indicate acceptable reliabilities for four of the aforementioned five characteristics. In addition, variability differed relevantly between generic and subject-specific characteristics of instructional quality. We discuss our findings against various conceptualisations of instructional quality.


Jentsch, Armin; Casale, Gino; Schlesinger, Lena; Kaiser, Gabriele; Konig, Johannes & Blömeke, Sigrid (2020). Variability and generalizability of ratings on the quality of mathematics instruction between and within lessons. Unterrichtswissenschaft.  ISSN 0340-4099.  48(2), s 179- 197 . doi: 10.1007/s42010-019-00061-8


Publisert 16. sep. 2020 15:35 - Sist endra 4. okt. 2022 13:42