Webpages tagged with «Large-scale assessments»

Published Oct. 23, 2018 4:43 PM

The seminar launches the recently published book, "Tjue år med TIMSS og PISA i Norge - Trender og nye analyser".

Published Oct. 23, 2018 4:37 PM

Julius K. Björnsson and Rolf V. Olsen edited a book that describes how the results of the international large-scale studies PISA and TIMSS can be interpreted in the context of the Norwegian educational system. In nine chapters, the authors and editors present selected findings from these studies based on the data from almost 20 years and showcase how they may impact education in Norway.

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Published Jan. 15, 2015 1:18 PM

The research group “Large-scale Educational Assessment” (LEA) is aimed at developing and validating large-scale assessments, addressing relevant questions in education based on large-scale assessment data, and disseminating the findings obtained from large-scale assessment data analysis to a broad audience.