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Student Innovation Grants

Ever dreamt of transforming education? Join our info session to learn how to secure a Student Innovation Grant. The Faculty of Educational Sciences (UV) is now offering scholarships to students.

4 students walking outside next to the buildings of UiO

Photo: Shane Colvin

Are you a student interested in learning more about educational innovation? Join us on April 9th at 14:15 to learn how you can influence the future of education by securing an innovation scholarship.

What's Happening

Learn more about how educational innovation can shape your future career. This workshop will empower you with everything you need to apply for our Student Innovation Scholarships. Get inspired by the opportunities and projects you can initiate as a student.

Who Should Attend

All students at UV are welcome to participate.

Why Attend

Gain invaluable insights into the grant application process and get inspired by the innovative projects that came to life last year. This is the perfect opportunity to connect with fellow students and get inspired, whether you already have an idea or are looking to spark a new one.

How to Participate

Simply register through our online form below. 

Sign up here

We can't wait to see you there and explore what ideas might be created! 


Learn more here: Are you a student at the Faculty of Educational Sciences (UV) and have a good idea or concept for social innovation related to education?

Tags: innovation
Published Feb. 6, 2024 10:36 AM - Last modified Apr. 2, 2024 3:05 PM