Research projects

Below you find information about current research projects in which SISCO members are involved.

HeaLS: Effects of the implementation of the interdisciplinary topic “Health and Life Skills” in schools (2023-28)

Prosjektet skal evaluere hvordan variasjoner i implementeringen av folkehelse og livsmestring påvirker effekten på elevenes mentale helse, livskvalitet, skolemiljø, akademiske prestasjoner og frafall. Prosjektet skal bruke data fra 5 000 lærere, 1 000 rektorer og 180 skoleeiere – i all hovedsak kommuner.Marco Schiró wins an ERC "Consolidator Grant" - News - Collège de France

Principal investigator: Professor Egil Nygaard at Promenta
Project member from SISCO: Professor Lisbeth M Brevik
Funding: European Research Council (2023-2028)
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EDUCATE: Evaluation of the new curriculum reform (2021-25)

EDUCATE conducts research and evaluation on the new curriculum reform in the subjects related to life skills, digital and exploratory  competence. The project is funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training. 

Principal Investigator: Professor Lisbeth M Brevik
Funding (project): Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (2021-2025)
Funding (public Phd): The Research Council of Norway (2022-2025)
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LANGUAGES: Language use and instruction across contexts (2021-25)

LANGUAGES is a complex video and language study of classrooms in Norway, England and France. LANGUAGES aims to advance our understanding of how language teachers support language development among students from different proficiency levels and language backgrounds. This ambition will be achieved through systematic video-recorded observations of English and French lessons over time, at a number of schools in each country, combined with language proficiency tests, surveys, and stimulated recall interviews.

Principal investigator: Professor Lisbeth M Brevik
Funding: Research Council of Norway (2021-2025)
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STAGE: STarting AGe and Extramural English: Learning English in and outside of school in Norway and Flanders (2021-25)

This project aims to advance our understanding of the relation between language input and language acquisition. The STAGE project will investigate the mechanisms underlying language learning among learners of English as a foreign, second and additional language (L2).

Principal investigator: Professor Pia Sundqvist
Funding: The Research Council of Norway (2021-2025)
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SYNTEQ: Synthesizing Research on Teaching Quality (2020-24)

The key objective of SYNTEQ is to make significant advancement in our understanding of teaching quality by

  • synthesizing analyses based on a large corpus of video data from lower secondary classrooms in the Nordic countries (substantive and theoretical objective), 
  • constructing a new platform for integrative analyses and instrument development (methodological objective), and
  • testing out an innovative infrastructure for collaborative research with video-based data (research infrastructure objective). 

Principal investigator: Professor Kirsti Klette
Funding: Research Council of Norway (2020-2024)
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QUINT: Quality In Nordic Teaching (2018-23)

The Nordic Center of Excellence QUINT will systematically investigate Nordic teaching practices in three subject areas (mathematics, language arts and social sciences) and is organized as a collaborative center between five Nordic universities (Helsinki; Karlstad; Southern Denmark/Odense; Akkureyri/Reykjavik and Oslo). Several of the ongoing SISCO projects (LISA; VIST; Learning to Notice) and related researchers will contribute to and are partners in QUINT.

Principal investigator: Professor Kirsti KletteImage may contain: Font, Rectangle, Electric blue, Brand.
Funding: NordForsk (2018-2023)
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LISE: Linking Instruction and Student Experiences (2015-24)

LISE is a longitudinal video project, which builds on and extends the LISA project on 9th and 10th grade with more school subjects: English, French, science, and social studies, in addition to mathematics and Norwegian language arts. LISE collects data from video observations of classroom instruction, student questionnaires, student and teacher interviews and screen recordings from five of the original LISA schools and two additional ones over time (2015-2023).  

Project leader: Professor Lisbeth M Brevik
Funding (project): University of Oslo (2015–2024)
Funding (PhD cabdidate): Østfold University College (2018–2024)

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VOGUE: Vocational and General students’ Use of English in and out of school (2015-24)

VOGUE investigates the link between students’ use of English in and out of school – in vocational and general programmes.

Project leader: Professor Lisbeth M Brevik
Funding (project): University of Oslo (2015-2024)
Funding (public PhD): The Research Council of Norway (2020-2024)

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VIST: Video to Support excellence in Teaching (2018-22)

VIST is a collaborative project between the Education Agency in Oslo and several SISCO researchers. Starting up this autumn, the VIST project will target professional development among lower secondary mathematics and language arts teachers using videos to develop teachers’ scaffolding techniques (teachers’ use of modelling, strategy instruction, feedback practices). The VIST study started up with five schools  (36 teachers) in 2018  and is planned to be scaled up during the period of 2019-2023.

Project leader: Professor Marte Blikstad-Balas
Funding: Decentralized competence development scheme, DEKOM (2018-2022)
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LISSI: Linking Instruction in Science and Student Impact (2018-20)

The aim of the LISSI project is to study how different forms of teaching may be related to how students learn in science. With the help of video, we hope to go inside the classroom and look closely at some of the challenges revealed by PISA and TIMSS. The goals are: to study the characteristics of Norwegian classroom practice and analyze how these may be related to student learning (results); to provide examples of good teaching practice in science and to evaluate how teachers provide opportunities for students to work in depth in science; and to evaluate the possibilities given by the teacher for going into depth in science.

Funding: The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (2018-2020)
Principal investigator: Professor Marianne Ødegaard
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MultiLingual Spaces (2017-20)

This project focuses on language practices in multilingual English classroom spaces in Swedish secondary schools. Using a large survey to map self-reported teacher practices, ethnographic methodology and conversation analysis to study language practices in English classrooms, and experimental intervention and quantitative methods to measure L2 vocabulary learning over time, the project aims to contribute to the development of evidence-based language practices in English teaching in multilingual schools.

Principal investigator: Professor Marie Källkvist
Project member from SISCO: Professor Pia Sundqvist
Funding: The Swedish Research Council (2017-2020)
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eVIR: eInfrastructure for video research (2016-20)

eVIR aims at developing infrastructures and expertise on video documentation and video analyses. This includes building up well-equipped video labs and high-security storage solutions for large sets of video data / context sensitive data. It also includes building up good training facilities for researchers working with video data. In that connection, a Teaching-Learning Video Lab has been set up at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research. The SISCO video studies all collaborate closely with the Teaching-Learning Video Lab and profit from the competence in eVIR.

Principal investigator: Professor Kirsti Klette
Funding: The Research Council of Norway (2016-2020)
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LISA: Linking Instruction and Student Achievement (2014-19)

LISA is a large-scale video study of teaching and learning practices in lower secondary classrooms. LISA investigates the impact of different models of classroom instruction on students’ learning by comparing student achievement data with classroom data through video observations, and student questionnaires. The LISA project involves extensive collaboration with scholars from the University of Helsinki, Stanford and Harvard University. Within the frames of LISA, SISCO also organizes workshops and courses where common coding manuals for analyzing and measuring teaching and learning are tested out.

Principal Investigator: Professor Kirsti Klette
Funding: Research Council of Norway (2014-2019) 
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Published Aug. 23, 2018 12:40 PM - Last modified Jan. 2, 2024 1:05 PM