Brown Bag Seminar: Jarl Kleppe Kristensen, CEMO

Title: Repeated Mistakes in App-Based Word Learning: Patterns and Consequences

Abstract: In this talk, I will present the outline of a study on the relationship of inattentive behaviors and learning outcomes in Kaptein Morf, an iPad app for morphology-based language learning. As a measure of inattentive behavior we use repeated mistakes, defined as incorrect response options chosen more than once within a task. Such repeated mistakes signal a lack of attention to feedback on the correctness of responses. We fit a growth curve model (GCM) to examine changes in repeated mistakes across sessions. To examine the impact on learning we estimate a structural model of morphological knowledge at pretest and posttest, with the intercept and slope variables from the GCM as mediators.


Published Feb. 1, 2023 2:51 PM - Last modified Feb. 1, 2023 2:55 PM