B. Stensaker and T. Fumasoli - Scandinavian Flagship Universities: An Appraisal of Leading National Universities in the European Context

Book chapter. In J.A. Douglass (Ed.) The New Flagship University. Changing the Paradigm from Global Ranking to National Relevancy. Palgrave Macmillan

Palgrave Macmillan

About the book

The New Flagship University provides an expansive vision for leading national universities and an alternative narrative to global rankings and World Class Universities that dominate the attention of many universities, as well as government ministries. The New Flagship model explores pathways for universities to re-shape their missions and academic cultures, and to pursue organizational features intended to expand their relevancy in the societies that give them life and purpose. In this quest, international standards of excellence focused largely on research productivity are not ignored, but are framed as only one goal towards supporting a university's productivity and larger social purpose—not as an end unto itself. Chapters by contributing authors detail the historical and contemporary role of leading national university in Asia, South America, Russia, and Scandinavia, and consider how the New Flagship model might be applied and expanded on.

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Published Nov. 25, 2015 1:25 PM - Last modified Oct. 18, 2023 9:57 PM