P. Maassen, M. Nerland & L. Yates (Edt.) - Reconfiguring Knowledge in Higher Education

Edited book. Springer. 2018


About the book

This book takes as its focus the core interest of higher education in knowledge, and takes as its object of inquiry the kinds of reconfiguration of knowledge evident in national policies and governance; and in the redevelopment and practices of a range of professional and academic study programs in higher education institutions in Norway and Australia. From these detailed accounts, the book demonstrates the complexity of knowledge as an object of policy and practice; the competing logics that may be evident within and between study programs and policies; and the different kinds of agents and drivers that are part of knowledge reconfiguration in higher education and that need further attention going forward.

The book builds on the Norwegian HORIZON project  conducted by ExCID researchers, as well as the 'Knowledge building project' conducted by prof. Lyn Yates and her colleagues in Melbourne Graduate School of Education.

Link to book

Published Mar. 19, 2018 7:42 PM - Last modified Oct. 18, 2023 11:36 PM