de Lange, T., Wittek, A. L. & Fossland, T: Plenary Teaching: Examining Opportunities for Student Involvement and Knowledge Exploration in Large Classroom-Settings

Book chapter. Quality Work in Higher Education. Organisational and Pedagogical Dimensions. 2020

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This chapter explores how quality work can be operationalised within plenary sessions as large classrooms settings. This teaching formant is approached by investigating how knowledge is presented and unpacked through different types of student-teacher interactions and displaying the opportunities these sessions hold for student involvement. Empirically, the chapter draws on observations of course lectures in a bachelor programme in organisation and management and course lectures in criminal law. On basis of these two empirical cases, we aim to illustrate how plenary sessions can be arranged flexibly in accordance with both disciplinary and pedagogical dimensions. Conceptually, the chapter is based on socio-cultural perspectives and in particular the notion of recontextualisation, which allows us to address how knowledge resources and disciplinary tools mediate meaning making across contexts for the involved students. Based on our analysis, the potential of plenary sessions, when arranged thoughtfully is underlined, in providing opportunities for students to link abstract concepts to professional practice, as well as interrelating and integrating teaching elements and sources within the specific educational setting itself.

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Published July 29, 2020 3:36 PM - Last modified Oct. 19, 2023 12:09 AM