Quality in Norwegian Higher Education: A review of research on aspects affecting student learning

Report. Crina Damşa, Thomas de Lange, Mari Elken, Rachelle Esterhazy, Trine Fossland, Nicoline Frølich, Elisabeth Hovdhaugen, Peter Maassen, Monika B Nerland, Yngve T Nordkvelle, Bjørn Stensaker, Cathrine Tømte, Agnete Vabø, Jannecke Wiers-Jenssen, Per Olaf Aamodt. NIFU

About the report

This report is produced in the framework of the project “Quality of Norwegian Higher Education: Pathways, Practices and Performances”, funded through the program Research and Innovation in the Educational Sector (FINNUT), Research Council Norway (RCN). The focus of the study is on exploring quality issues related to the educational provision of higher education. The overarching questions in the project are: What factors and mechanisms are important for realizing the aims of quality work in Norwegian higher education? What is the relationship between structural/systemic and institutional conditions, and educational practices? In this first report from the project, the aim is to position the study with respect to the international research-based literature in this area, and to identify factors and mechanisms indicated by the relevant literature as important contributors to the enhancement of quality in higher education. A second aim is to identify knowledge gaps in the existing literature.


Published Nov. 25, 2015 1:39 PM - Last modified July 11, 2024 12:41 PM