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Open lecture with Jonna Bornemark: Education, non-knowing and the risks of a purely calculating rationality

In an age that focuses on function, goal management and instrumental utility, education easily falls into the background. Why is it like that?

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Jonna Bornemark. Picture: Sofia Runarsdotter

Jonna Bornemark is a Swedish philosopher who examines ideas about the limits of knowledge and rationality. She is a professor of philosophy at the Center for Practical Knowledge at the Center for Practical Knowledge at Södertörn University. There she researches the possibilities of judgement, subjectivity and the concept of Bildung. And not least, she examines the relationship between humans and animals, pregnancy and physicality.

Moreover, Jonna Bornemark is more than a skilled researcher, she is also an excellent speaker! She is one of Sweden's most high-profile academics in the public eye, gives popular lectures, runs podcasts, and participates in Swedish radio programs where she makes the listeners think about deep questions that affect us all.

In this lecture, Bornemark draws on the 15th-century philosopher Nicholas Cusanus to examine modernity and late modernity's ideas about rationality and subjectivity, the need for control and non-knowing, and how these ideas shape society and its institutions.

The lecture has two commentators:

Inga Bostad, professor of philosophy at IPED at the Faculty of Science, UiO and professor 2 at the School of Architecture and Design. She was director of the Norwegian Center for Human Rights at the Faculty of Law, UiO from 2014-2017, vice-chancellor at the University of Oslo for the period 2009-2013 and the University's first vice-chancellor from 2006-2009. Bostad er leads the research group HumStud, humanities studies in pedagogy, and leads the comparative research project NordEd (The Nordic education model). She has published a number of books and scientific articles in fields such as educational philosophy, critical educational theory and basic educational questions, skepticism, disability and normality.

Hilde Bondevik, professor at the department for interdisciplinary health sciences at the Faculty of Medicine, UiO. Her background is in the history of ideas and gender research. She has published a number of books and scientific articles in fields such as medical history, literature and medicine, gender theory and critical health research. Currently, she is part of the leadership group for the research project Rethinking cancer survivorship (SAMKUL program in NFR) and is responsible for the work package "Textbased representation of cancer".

Practical information

The lecture will be in Swedish and the comments will be in Norwegian.

The lecture is organized by the research group Humanistic studies in pedagogy (HumStud), as part of the lecture series in educational philosophy.

This is an open lecture, no registration is required.

There will be a small reception on the fifth floor after the lecture.


Contact person: Elodie Guillemin (


Tags: Bildung, Non-knowledge, Cusanus, Rationality, Subjectivity
Published Jan. 26, 2023 11:38 AM - Last modified Jan. 31, 2023 9:34 AM