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Previous events - Page 5

Time and place: , NHA

As part of the internal professional development activities in LEA, several courses are offered to LEA members and associates. This course focuses on the application of two-level structural equation modeling in the software Mplus. The short course will introduce participants to the key concepts and syntax elements to perform and interpret two-level SEM with large-scale data.

Time and place: , Nemko Møterom 320

Research Seminar

Together with the research groups LEA and LeMoWe, FREMO organizes a research seminar for PhD students. The seminar is aimed at supporting PhD students in the different stages of the thesis and research. Constructive feedback, research ideas, and the creation of support platforms are key elements.

Time and place: , HE 241

LEA organizes the upcoming PhD-course on Regression Analysis. The course comprises four days of teaching and focuses on the basic principles of regression analysis. Key topics include: Basic linear regression, model estimation and checking its assumptions, logistic regression, mediation, and moderation.

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Andreas Pettersen defends his thesis, "Towards competency-oriented mathematics education. An investigation of task demands and teachers’ knowledge of task demands from a competency perspective", and gives his trial lecture.

10.15-11.00 Trial lecture, "What teachers need to know and be able to do in mathematics classrooms — An overview of existing teacher competency assessments and the evidence on the relations to student outcomes."

12.15-end Discussion part


Time and place: , HE 241

LEA organizes the upcoming PhD-course on Regression Analysis. The course comprises four days of teaching and focuses on the basic principles of regression analysis. Key topics include: Basic linear regression, model estimation and checking its assumptions, logistic regression, mediation, and moderation.

Time and place: , HE 231

LEA supports the Faculty's "General Course in Meta-Analysis", a course that is held and organized by the Department of Special Needs Education (ISP). LEA adds one day of teaching to the original course and focuses on Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling (MASEM).

Time and place: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, auditorium 1

The seminar launches the special issue, "Nasjonale prøver og eksamener i norsk og svensk grunnopplæring", which was recently published in the journal Acta Didactica Norge.

Time and place: , Nemko Møterom 320

Research Seminar

Together with the research groups LEA and LeMoWe, FREMO organizes a research seminar for PhD students. The seminar is aimed at supporting PhD students in the different stages of the thesis and research. Constructive feedback, research ideas, and the creation of support platforms are key elements.

Time and place: , Helga Engs Hus, Auditorium 1

The research group LinCon hosts an open seminar "Betydningen av sosial bakgrunn og fattigdom for barns læring: Mekanismer og tiltak". Monica Melby-Lervåg, Henrik D. Zachrisson, Arne Lervåg, and Eric Dearing will present their latest research on the relation between socioeconomic factors and skills in the areas of language, reading, general cognition, and school achievement.

Time and place: , Sophie Lies Hus, Auditorium and Vestibyle

This is the annual research seminar hosted by ILS. LEA contributes with talks and posters about the latest research in the group.