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Previous events - Page 6

Time and place: , VB IT-auditorium 3

LEA contributes to the upcoming PhD-course on Basic Quantitative Methodology. The course comprises four days of teaching, and LEA organizes one day of it. Key topics include: (1) Scores, scales, and measurement models; (2) Reliability; (3) Content, criterion, and construct validity .

Time and place: , NHA 12th floor, Abels utsikt

The lecture will focus on the recent meta-analyses of teachers' technology integration in classrooms and the cognitive benefits of learning how to program a computer. Besides, it will illustrate how substantive research in the area of technology-based education and methodological advances of meta-analysis can go hand-in-hand.

Time and place: , NHA 107

In this invited talk, Professor Antoine Fischbach, acting director of the Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET), will provide unique insights into the Luxembourgish educational testing projects, including large-scale longitudinal studies in education.

Time and place: , OECD Headquarters, Paris

This year's OECD Methodological Conference focuses on the comparability of questionnaire scales across countries and brings to attention existing approaches to measurement invariance testing. The conference highlights promising developments to establish cross-country comparability in international large-scale surveys.

Time and place: , Arnhem/Nijmegen, the Netherlands

The Association for Educational Assessment-Europe hosts an annual conference on current topics surrounding educational assessment. This year's topic reads: "Building Bridges to Future Educational Assessment".

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups Hus, Undervisningsrom 2

The seminar launches the recently published book, "Tjue år med TIMSS og PISA i Norge - Trender og nye analyser".

Time and place: , Hanaholmen Cultural Centre in Espoo, Finland

The Northern Lights Conference 2018 presents findings from two key large-scale studies, PISA and TIMSS. The joint Nordic report "Northern Lights on TIMSS ans PISA" forms the basis for all presentations and is officially published during the conference.