Workshop on Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

QCA is a research method that helps to understand complex situations by finding patterns in qualitative (descriptive, non-numerical) data. QCA doesn't just look at one single factor at a time; it looks at how different factors are combined to produce an outcome. For instance, rather than just examining how teaching quality affects student achievement, QCA might reveal that high achievement is the result of a blend of factors such as competent teachers, strong parental involvement, and a stimulating curriculum. In one school, this might translate to a combination of innovative teaching methods and a focus on science, while in another, it could be the synergy of quality teaching and a supportive community. This method helps researchers see the bigger picture, understanding that complex outcomes are often the result of multiple, interconnected factors.

The workshop is divided into two parts

Part 1: Online Introduction to QCA
Date: January 8, 2024, 10:00-12:00, online
Agenda: This session will introduce the basics of QCA, including its principles, methodology, and applications in educational research. It will be a great starting point for those who are new to this analytical approach.

Part 2: In-depth QCA Workshop
Dates: January 18-19, 2024 at 09:00-16:00, hybrid
Agenda: These two days will provide an in-depth exploration of QCA. It will cover research design and advanced topics, including hands-on exercises using the R programming language. Participants are encouraged to bring their own data.

Patrick A. Mello is Assistant Professor of International Security at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He holds a PhD in Political Science from Humboldt University Berlin and a Habilitation in Political Science (venia legendi) from the Technical University of Munich.

His research focuses on international relations, foreign and security policy, and comparative methods, especially Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). He is the author of the book Qualitative Comparative Analysis: An Introduction to Research Design and Application, which also includes an open-access R manual for QCA.

He is the author of the award-winning Democratic Participation in Armed Conflict (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), and co-editor of the Routledge Handbook of Foreign Policy Analysis Methods (2023). His articles have appeared in journals such as European Journal of International Relations, European Political Science Review, West European Politics, Foreign Policy Analysis, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, and Contemporary Security Policy.

This workshop is organized by the Large-scale Educational Assessment (LEA) research group. For more information and to register for the workshop, please contact Nani Teig.


Published Jan. 16, 2024 1:03 PM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2024 1:03 PM