New project: Math and The City: Learning to Apply Mathematics Outside the School

Together with colleagues, Nils Fredrik Buchholtz has attracted funding for the research project "Math and The City: Learning to Apply Mathematics Outside the School". The project is funded by the Direktoratet for internasjonalisering og kvalitetsutvikling i høgare utdanning (Diku). Congratulations!

Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

The Project in Short

The project is designed as a joint research and teaching activity between the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto and the University of Oslo. The project aims at familiarizing Norwegian prospective teachers with the development of extracurricular activities in mathematics and science teaching during a jointly taught teacher education course.

  1. The aim is firstly to develop a joint specific teaching activity in mathematics and science education for participating mathematics and science teacher students. This activity aims at the acquisition of mathematical modelling competencies, which are regarded as central teaching competencies for mathematics and science teaching.
  2. On the content level, a further aim is sensitizing the teacher students to the importance of the out-of-school application of mathematics and the learning opportunities when using mathematical modelling in educational, cultural and ecological contexts.

The Details

In the course of the two years, a course for Norwegian teacher students will be organized, which include teaching activities at both institutions on the topics out-of-school learning, mathematical modelling, sustainable development and culture sensitivity in mathematics teaching as well as the use of technology in mathematics teaching. Within the framework of these activities, the teacher students are to develop own contributions in forms of "math trails" (trails with mathematical tasks focusing environmental-related questions), which are documented by the project and made available to other teachers in Oslo and Ouro Preto and to research in mathematics education. While an emphasis of these activities in Oslo is on the integration of new technologies into the teaching of mathematics (app-based math trails) and on the learning and teaching of mathematical concepts in out-of-school contexts, the activities in Ouro Preto take ecological and ethnographical aspects into account when applying mathematics in everyday life.

Tags: Mathematics Education, Science education, Teacher education, Mathematical Modeling, Teacher competencies
Published Jan. 5, 2019 4:31 PM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2022 10:52 AM