Published: ZDM Special Issue on Assessment in Mathematics Education

A brand new special issue of the well renowned journal ZDM is out, and it is called "Assessment in mathematics education: issues regarding methodology, policy and equity".

Guri and Nils are the editors and have worked hard to produce a high-quality issue of ZDM. The issue contains many interesting articles, such as: Perception of student errors under time limitation: are teachers faster than mathematicians or students? by Lena Pankow, Gabriele Kaiser, Johannes König, and Sigrid Blömeke, or Does schooling actually perpetuate educational inequality in mathematics performance? A validity question on the measures of opportunity to learn in PISA by Kajsa Yang Hansen and Rolf Strietholt. Guri and Nils set the stage in their editorial.



The special issue can be found here.

Tags: Mathematics Education, Assessment
Published Aug. 28, 2018 3:45 PM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2022 10:51 AM