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LEA members publish academic papers, research reports, and policy briefs to inform educational researchers, teachers, school leaders, and policy-makers about issues related to national and international large-scale assessments.

List of Publications


  • Aslaksen, Helmer & Kirfel, Johann Christoph (2022). Integration by Riemann triangles. Mathematics Magazine.
  • Blömeke, Sigrid; Nilsen, Trude; Olsen, Rolf Vegar & Gustafsson, Jan-Eric (2022). Conceptual and Methodological Accomplishments of ILSAs, Remaining Criticism and Limitations. I Nilsen, Trude; Stancel-Piątak, Agnes & Gustafsson, Jan-Eric (Red.), International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education. Springer. s. 603–656.
  • Borge, Inger Christin; Hole, Arne & Grønmo, Liv Sissel (2022). Mathematics education in Norwegian academic-track upper secondary school. I Rolfes, Tobias; Rach, Stefanie; Ufer, Stefan & Heinze, Aiso (Red.), Das Fach Mathematik in der gymnasialen Oberstufe. Waxmann Verlag. s. 157–175.
  • Buchholtz, Nils Frederik; Nortvedt, Guri-Anne; Lee, Kyungwon & Kwon, Oh Nam (2022). A comparative analysis of the orientation to mathematical competence acquisition in school curricula in Germany, Korea and Norway. I Buchholtz, Nils (Red.), Initiationen mathematikdidaktischer Forschung. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
  • Fauskanger, Janne; Naalsund, Margrethe; Nilsen, Hans Kristian; Nortvedt, Guri A.; Pálsdóttir, Guðbjörg; Portaankorva-Koivisto, Päivi; Radišić, Jelena; Sigurjónsson, Jóhann Örn & Wernberg, Anna (2022). Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future: a review of the papers presented at the NORMA20 conference. I Nortvedt, Guri A.; Buchholtz, Nils; Fauskanger, Janne; Hähkiöniemi, Markus; Jessen, Britta Eyrich; Nilsen, Hans Kristian; Naalsund, Margrethe; Pálsdóttir, Guðbjörg; Portaankorva-Koivisto, Päivi; Radišić, Jelena; Sigurjónsson, Jóhann Örn; Viirman, Olov Lui & Wernberg, Anna (Red.), Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future. Proceedings of Norma 20, The ninth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF.
  • Gustafsson, Jan-Eric & Nilsen, Trude (2022). Methods of Casual Analysis with ILSA Data. I Nilsen, Trude; Stancel-Piątak, Agnes & Gustafsson, Jan-Eric (Red.), International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education. Springer.
  • Junker, Astrid & Nortvedt, Guri A. (2022). Relations between grade 1 students' number sense and nonverbal and verbal reasoning. I Nortvedt, Guri A.; Buchholtz, Nils; Fauskanger, Janne; Hähkiöniemi, Markus; Jessen, Britta Eyrich; Nilsen, Hans Kristian; Naalsund, Margrethe; Pálsdóttir, Guðbjörg; Portaankorva-Koivisto, Päivi; Radišić, Jelena; Sigurjónsson, Jóhann Örn; Viirman, Olov Lui & Wernberg, Anna (Red.), Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future. Proceedings of Norma 20, The ninth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF. s. 105–112.
  • Klieme, Eckhard & Nilsen, Trude (2022). Teaching Quality and Student Outcomes in TIMSS and PISA. I Nilsen, Trude; Stancel-Piątak, Agnes & Gustafsson, Jan-Eric (Red.), International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education. Springer. s. 1089–1134.
  • Liu, X., Valcke, M., Yang Hansen, K., & De Neve, J. (2022). Does school-level instructional quality matter for school mathematics performance? Comparing teacher data across seven countries. Sustainability, 14(9), 5267.
  • Mittal, Oleksandra; Scherer, Ronny & Nilsen, Trude (2022). Assessing the evidence for the comparability of socioeconomic status between students with and without immigrant background in Norway and Sweden. Large-scale Assessments in Education.
  • Nilsen, Trude & Teig, Nani (2022). A systematic review of studies investigating the relationships between school climate and student outcomes in TIMSS, PISA, and PIRLS. I Nilsen, Trude; Stancel-Piątak, Agnes & Gustafsson, Jan-Eric (Red.), International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education. Springer. 1–34.
  • Nilsen, Trude; Kaarstein, Hege & Lehre, Anne- Catherine W G (2022). Trend analyses of TIMSS 2015 and 2019: school factors related to declining performance in mathematics. Large-scale Assessments in Education.
  • Nilsen, Trude; Stancel-Piątak, Agnes & Gustafsson, Jan-Eric (2022). International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education. Springer.
  • Nortvedt, Guri-Anne (2022). What happens over time to students identified as being at risk of falling behind in numeracy? I Fernandez, C.; Llinares, S.; Gutierrez, A. & Planas, N. (Red.), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 45). Universidad de Alicante.
  • Peixoto, Francisco; Radišić, Jelena; Krstić, Ksenija; Hansen, Kajsa Yang; Laine, Anu; Baucal, Aleksandar; Sõrmus, Maarja & Mata, Lourdes (2022). Contribution to the Validation of the Expectancy-Value Scale for Primary School Students. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.
  • Radišić, Jelena; Nortvedt, Guri A. & Runde, Ragnhild Kobro (2022). Relationships Between Mathematics Self-Belief: Exposure to ICT in School and Achievement on PISA 2012 Paper and Computer-Based Mathematics Assessment. I Martin, Christie; Miller, Bridget T & Polly, Drew (Red.), Technology Integration and Transformation in STEM Classrooms. IGI Global.
  • Rohatgi, Anubha; Hatlevik, Ove Edvard & Bjørnsson, Julius Kristjan (2022). Supportive climates and science achievement in the Nordic countries: lessons learned from the 2015 PISA study. Large-scale Assessments in Education. 10(1), s. 1–28.
  • Scherer, Ronny & Nilsen, Trude (2022). Accountability for the future? International testing and future directions. I Tierney, Robert J.; Rizvi, Fazal & Erkican, Kadriye (Red.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th Edition). Elsevier. s. 324–340.
  • Stancel-Piatak, Agnes; Nilsen, Trude & Gustafsson, Jan-Eric (2022). 60-Years of ILSA: Where It Stands and How It Evolves. I Nilsen, Trude; Stancel-Piątak, Agnes & Gustafsson, Jan-Eric (Red.), International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education. Springer. s. 1496–1517.
  • Sumpter, Lovisa & Löwenhielm, Anna (2022). Differences in grade 7 students’ understanding of the equal sign. Mathematical Thinking and Learning.
  • Sumpter, Lovisa (2022). “The question is not why I don’t work in a maths department; the question is why should I?” Women mathematicians’ experiences of power relations and gender symbols during their PhD. Education Inquiry.
  • Hedefalk, Maria; Eriksson, Helena; Markkanen, Peter; Sumpter, Lovisa (2022). Five year Olds in between Sharing and Division. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal.
  • Teig, Nani & Nilsen, Trude (2022). Profiles of instructional quality in primary and secondary education: Patterns, predictors, and relations to student achievement and motivation in science. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 74(101170), s. 1–17.
  • Teig, Nani (2022). Inquiry in Science Education. I Nilsen, Trude; Stancel-Piątak, Agnes & Gustafsson, Jan-Eric (Red.), International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education. Springer.
  • Teig, Nani; Scherer, Ronny & Olsen, Rolf Vegar (2022). A systematic review of studies investigating science teaching and learning: over two decades of TIMSS and PISA. International Journal of Science Education, 44(12), s. 2035–2058.
  • Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Nilsen, Trude & Øverby, Nina Cecilie (2022). Aspects of nutritional deficits and cognitive outcomes – Triangulation across time and subject domains among students and teachers in TIMSS. International Journal of Educational Development, 89(102553).
  • Vik, Frøydis Nordgård; Nilsen, Trude & Øverby, Nina Cecilie (2022). Associations between sleep deficit and academic achievement - triangulation across time and subject domains among students and teachers in TIMSS in Norway. BMC Public Health, 22, 1790.
  • Weyergang, Cecilie (2022). «… og hvordan kan vi vite det, da?»: Ungdomsskoleelevers lesestrategier i møte med tekstoppgaver i samfunnsfag som krever en kritisk tilnærming. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO), 16(2).
  • Yang Hansen, Kajsa; Radišić, Jelena; Ding, Yi & Liu, Xin (2022). Contextual effects on students’ achievement and academic self-concept in the Nordic and Chinese educational systems. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 10(1).


  • Allmendinger, H., Aslaksen, H., & Buchholtz, N. (2021). Das stochastische Quiz „Borel“. Mathematik lehren: Die Zeitschrift für den Unterricht in allen Schulstufen, 229, 28-33.
  • Altrichter, H., Herzog-Punzenberger, B., Fulterer, S., Brown, M., Burns, D., & Nortvedt, G. -A., Skedsmo, G., Wiese, E., Nayir, F., Fellner, M., McNamara, G., O'Hara, J., (2021). Leistungsbeurteilung und kulturelle Vielfalt: Herausforderungen und Bewertungspraktiken in Schulen der Sekundarstufe I in Österreich, Irland, Norwegen und der Türkei. Erziehung & Unterricht, 171(3-4), 251–261.
  • Björnsson, J.K. (Red.) (2021). Hva kan vi lære av TALIS 2018? Gode relasjoner som grunnlag for læringCappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Blömeke, S., Nilsen, T., & Scherer, R. (2021). School innovativeness is associated with enhanced teacher collaboration, innovative classroom practices, and job satisfaction. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(8), 1645–1667.
  • Carlsten, T. C., Throndsen, I. & Björnsson, J. K. (2021). Profesjonelle fellesskap på ungdomstrinnet som del av skolens utvikling. I Björnsson J.K. (Red.), Hva kan vi lære av TALIS 2018? Gode relasjoner som grunnlag for læring (Kap. 5, s. 87–106). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Carlsten, T. C., Throndsen, I. & Klette, K. (2021). Læringsfremmende vurderingspraksis på ungdomstrinnet: Funn fra TALIS 2018 og LISA-prosjektet. I Björnsson J.K. (Red.), Hva kan vi lære av TALIS 2018? Gode relasjoner som grunnlag for læring (Kap. 7, s. 123–141). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Forsbakk, B., & Nortvedt, G. -A. (2021). Prøven er gjennomført, hva nå? En studie av praksiser i arbeid med nasjonale kartleggingsprøver i regning. I Lekang T., & Moen T. (Red.), Tilpasset opplæring og tidlig innsats i ordinær undervisning og i spesialundervisning (Kap 14, s. 207–222). Universitetsforlaget.
  • Frønes, T.S. & Pettersen, A. (2021). Spørreundersøkelser i utdanningsforskning. I. Andersson-Bakken E.I., & Dalland C.P. (Red.), Metoder i klasseromsforskning Forskningsdesign, datainnsamling og analyse (Kap 8, s. 167–208). Universitetsforlaget. 
  • Gudmundsdottir, G. B. & Björnsson, J. K. (2021). Hvor godt er lærere forberedt på den digitale hverdagen? I Björnsson J. K. (Red.), Hva kan vi lære av TALIS 2018? Gode relasjoner som grunnlag for læring (Kap. 4, s. 57–86). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Hatlevik, O.E., Gudmundsdottir, G.B., & Rohatgi, A. (2021). Digital downsides in teacher education. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE), 5(4), 123-139.
  • Kaarstein, H., & Nilsen, T. (2021). Lærerkompetanse, undervisningskvalitet og naturfagprestasjoner fra TIMSS 2015 til TIMSS 2019. I Nilsen T. & Kaarstein H. (Red.), Med blikket mot naturfag: Nye analyser av TIMSS-data og trender 2015-2021 (Kap 8, s. 183-206)Universitetsforlaget.
  • Karlsen, S., Kersting, M., Ødegaard, M., Kjærnsli, M., Olufsen, M., & Lunde, M.L.S. (2021). Kjennetegn på utforskende undervisning i naturfag. I Ødegaard, M., Kjærnsli, M., & Kersting, M. (Red.), Tettere på naturfag i klasserommet: Resultater fra videostudien LISSI (Kap 4, s. 47-66). Fagbokforlaget. 
  • Kersting, M., Karlsen, S., Ødegaard, M., Kjærnsli, M., Olufsen, M., & Lunde, M.L.S. (2021). Ulike dilemmaer knyttet til utforskende undervisning i naturfag. I Ødegaard, M., Kjærnsli, M., & Kersting, M., (Red.), Tettere på naturfag i klasserommet. (Kap 5, s. 69-84). Fagbokforlaget. 
  • Kjærnsli, M., Olufsen, M., & Bjørnsson, J.K. (2021). Hva har betydning for elevenes læringsutbytte i naturfag?. I Ødegaard, M., Kjærnsli, M., & Kersting, M. (Red.), Tettere på naturfag i klasserommet. (Kap 8, s. 119-132). Fagbokforlaget. 
  • Lunde, M.L.S., Sæleset, J., Kjærnsli, M,. Kersting, M., Karlsen, S., & Olufsen, M. (2021). Forskningsdesign og metode. I Ødegaard, M., Kjærnsli, M., & Kersting, M. (Red.), Tettere på naturfag i klasserommet. (Kap 3, s. 35-41). Fagbokforlaget. 
  • Lunde, M.L.S., Sæleset, J., Karlsen, S., Kjærnsli, M., Kersting, M., & Olufsen, M. (2021). Hvordan vurdere undervisningskvalitet i naturfag. I Ødegaard, M., Kjærnsli, M., & Kersting, M. (Red.), Tettere på naturfag i klasserommet. (Kap 2, s. 25-34). Fagbokforlaget. 
  • Lehre, A. -C.W.G., & Nilsen, T. (2021). Språk i hjemmet og naturfagprestasjoner fra TIMSS 2015 til TIMSS 2019. I Nilsen, T. & Kaarstein, H. (Red.), Med blikket mot naturfag: Nye analyser av TIMSS-data og trender 2015-2021. (Kap 7, s. 165-182). Universitetsforlaget.
  • Lehre, A- .C.W.G., Frønes, T.S. & Kaarstein, H. (2021). TIMSS 2019: Hverdagsspråk og naturfaglig diskurs i elevenes svar på åpne oppgaver. I Nilsen, T. & Kaarstein, H. (Red.), Med blikket mot naturfag: Nye analyser av TIMSS-data og trender 2015-2021. (Kap 4, s. 73-102). Universitetsforlaget.
  • Nilsen, T., & Kaarstein, H. (Red.) (2021). Med blikket mot naturfag. Nye analyser av TIMSS-data og trender 2015- 2021. Universitetsforlaget.
  • Nilsen, T., & Kaarstein, H. (2021). Skolemiljø, motivasjon og naturfagprestasjoner fra TIMSS 2015 til TIMSS 2019. I Nilsen, T. & Kaarstein, H. (Red.), Med blikket mot naturfag: Nye analyser av TIMSS-data og trender 2015-2021. (Kap 6, s. 143-164). Universitetsforlaget.
  • Nilsen, T., & Kaarstein, H. (2021). Elevenes muligheter til å lære. I Nilsen, T. & Kaarstein, H. (Red.), Med blikket mot naturfag: Nye analyser av TIMSS-data og trender 2015-2021. (Kap 2, s. 23-45). Universitetsforlaget.
  • Nilsen, T., Frøyland, M., Henriksen, E.K., Kolstø, S.D., Jorde, D., Korsager, M., Knain, E., Ødegaard, M., Teig, N., Jensen, F., Kjærnsli, M., Bungum, B., Løken, M., & Stadler, M.G. (2021). Et kritisk og konstruktivt blikk på naturfaget i norsk skole. I Nilsen, T. & Kaarstein, H. (Red.), Med blikket mot naturfag: Nye analyser av TIMSS-data og trender 2015-2021. (Kap 9, s. 207-260). Universitetsforlaget.
  • Nilsen, T. Scherer, R., & Blömeke, S. (2021). Hva fremmer et innovativt miljø i skolen, og hvilken betydning har det for læreres undervisning? I Björnsson J. K. (Red.), Hva kan vi lære av TALIS 2018? Gode relasjoner som grunnlag for læring (Kap. 3, s. 35–55). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Nortvedt, G. -A., Buchholtz, N., Fauskanger, J., Hreinsdottir, F., Hähkioniemi, M., Jessen, B.E., Kurvits,J., Liljekvist, Y., Misfeldt, M., Naalsund, M., Nilsen, H.K., Palsdottir, G., Portaankorva-Koivisto, P., Radišić, J., & Werneberg, A. (Red.) (2021). Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future : Preceedings of Norma 20: The ninth Nordic conference on mathematics education Oslo, 2021. SMDF, Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Nr. 14.
  • Olufsen, M., Lunde, M.L.S. & Kjærnsli, M. (2021). Praktiske aktiviteter i naturfag - muligheter for økt elevaktivitet og faglig fordypning I Ødegaard, M., Kjærnsli, M., & Kersting, M. (Red.), Tettere på naturfag i klasserommet. (Kap 6, s. 87-104). Fagbokforlaget. 
  • Radišić, J., & Jensen, F. (2021). Norske 9.-trinnselevers motivasjon for naturfag og matematikk – en latent profilanalyse av TIMSS 2019. I Nilsen, T. & Kaarstein, H. (Red.), Med blikket mot naturfag: Nye analyser av TIMSS-data og trender 2015-2021. (Kap 5, s. 103-139). Universitetsforlaget.
  • Senden, B., Nilsen, T., & Blömeke, S. (2021). Instructional Quality: A Review of Conceptualizations, Measurement Approaches, and Research Findings. In M. Blikstad-Balas, K. Klette, & M. Tengberg (Eds.), Ways of Analyzing Teaching Quality (pp. 140-172). Scandinavian University Press.
  • Stovner, R.B., Klette, K., & Nortvedt, G. -A. (2021). The instructional situations in which mathematics teachers provide substantive feedbackEducational Studies in Mathematics, 108, 533–551.
  • Teig, N., Bergem, O.K., Nilsen, T., & Senden, B. (2021). Gir utforskende arbeidsmåter i naturfag bedre læringsutbytte? I Nilsen, T. & Kaarstein, H. (Red.), Med blikket mot naturfag: Nye analyser av TIMSS-data og trender 2015-2021. (Kap 3, s. 46-72). Universitetsforlaget.
  • Ødegaard, M., Kjærnsli, M., & Kersting, M. (2021). En studie av kvalitet i naturfagundervisning. I Ødegaard, M., Kjærnsli, M., & Kersting, M. (Red.), Tettere på naturfag i klasserommet. (Kap 1, s. 15-22). Fagbokforlaget. 


  • Bergem, O. K.; Nilsen, T.; Mittal, O. & Ræder, H. G. (2020). Can teachers’ instruction increase low-SES students’ motivation to learn mathematics?, I: T.S.Frønes; A.Pettersen; J.Radišić & N. Buchholtz (ed.), Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education.  Springer.
  • Björnsson, .J.K. (2020). Teaching culturally diverse student groups in the Nordic countries: What can the TALIS 2018 data tell us?,I: T.S.Frønes; A.Pettersen; J.Radišić & N. Buchholtz (ed.), Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education.  Springer.
  • Buchholtz, N. (2020). Voraussetzungen und Qualitätskriterien von Mixed-Methods-Studien in der mathematikdidaktischen Forschung. Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik.
  • Buchholtz, N. (2020). Mathematische Wanderpfade unter einer didaktischen Perspektive. mathematica didactica43(2), online first
  • Buchholtz, N. Stuart, A. & Frønes, T.S. (2020). Equity, equality and diversity—Putting educational justice in the Nordic model to a test, I: T.S.Frønes; A.Pettersen; J.Radišić & N. Buchholtz (ed.), Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education.  Springer.
  • Frid, S; Sumpter, L. & Nortvedt, G.A. (2020). Who is best in mathematics?. Proceedings of the International Groups for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.  
  • Frønes, T.S. & Jensen, F. (2020). Avsluttende bemerkninger: Lesing som portvokter, I: T. S.Frønes & F. Jensen (red.),  Like muligheter til god leseforståelse? 20 år med lesing i PISA.  Universitetsforlaget.
  • Frønes, T. S.; Pettersen, A.; Radišić, J. & Buchholtz, N. (2020). Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education – Final thoughts and looking ahead, I: T.S.Frønes; A.Pettersen; J.Radišić & N. Buchholtz (ed.), Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education.  Springer.
  • Frønes, T.S.; Rasmusson, M. & Bremholm, J. (2020). Equity and diversity in reading comprehension—A case study of PISA 2000–2018., I: T.S.Frønes; A.Pettersen; J.Radišić & N. Buchholtz (ed.), Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education.  Springer.
  • Frønes, T. S. & Roe, A. (2020). Hva skjer i norsktimene? Elevers oppfatning av norskundervisningen på skolen, I: T. S.Frønes & F. Jensen (red.), Like muligheter til god leseforståelse? 20 år med lesing i PISA.  Universitetsforlaget.
  • Herzog-Punzenberger, B.; Altrichter, H.; Brown, M.D.; Burns, D.; Nortvedt, G.A.; Skedsmo, G.; Wiese, E.; Nayir, F.; Fellner, M.; McNamara, G. & O'Hara, J. (2020). Teachers responding to cultural diversity: Case studies on assessment practices, challenges and experiences in secondary schools in Austria, Ireland, Norway and Turkey. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability.  20(3).
  • Jensen, F; Frønes, T.S.; Kjærnsli, M. & Roe, A. (2020). Lesing i PISA 2000–2018: Norske elevers lesekompetanse i et internasjonalt perspektiv,  I: T. S.Frønes & F. Jensen (red.), Like muligheter til god leseforståelse? 20 år med lesing i PISA.  Universitetsforlaget.
  • Jensen, F.; Kjærnsli, M.; Björnsson, J.K. & Pettersen, A. (2020). Gir norsk skole alle elever like muligheter til å bli gode lesere  I: T. S.Frønes & F. Jensen (red.), Like muligheter til god leseforståelse? 20 år med lesing i PISA.  Universitetsforlaget.
  • Jensen R.E. (2020) Implications of Changing the Delivery Mode on Reading Tests in Norway—A Gender Perspective. I: T.S.Frønes; A.Pettersen; J.Radišić & N. Buchholtz (ed.), Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education.  Springer.
  • Magnusson, C.G. & Frønes, T. S. (2020). Norske elevers kunnskap om strategier for leseforståelse,  I: T. S.Frønes & F. Jensen (red.), Like muligheter til god leseforståelse? 20 år med lesing i PISA.  Universitetsforlaget.
  • Mittal, O.; Nilsen, T.& Björnsson, J. K. (2020). Measuring equity across the Nordic education systems: Conceptual and methodological choices as implications for educational policies I: T.S.Frønes; A.Pettersen; J.Radišić & N. Buchholtz (ed.), Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education.  Springer.
  • Nilsen, T. & Bergem, O.K. (2020). Teacher Competence and Equity in the Nordic Countries. Mediation and moderation of the relation between SES and achievement. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO). 14(1).
  • Nilsen, T.; Scherer, R.; Gustafsson, J.-E; Teig, N. & Kaarstein, H. (2020). Teachers’ role in enhancing equity: A multilevel structural equation modeling with mediated moderation., I: T.S.Frønes; A.Pettersen; J.Radišić & N. Buchholtz (ed.), Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education.  Springer.
  • Nortvedt, G.A; Bratting, K.B.; Kovpanets, O.; Pettersen, A. & Rohatgi, A. (2020). Improving equity through national-level assessment initiatives., I: T.S.Frønes; A.Pettersen; J.Radišić & N. Buchholtz (ed.), Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education.  Springer.
  • Nortvedt, G.A. & Wiese, E. (2020). Numeracy and migrant students: a case study of secondary level mathematics education in Norway. ZDM: Mathematics Education., s 527- 539.
  • Radišić, J.& Pettersen, A. (2020). Resilient and nonresilient students in Sweden and Norway—Investigating the interplay between their self-beliefs and the school environment., I: T.S.Frønes; A.Pettersen; J.Radišić & N. Buchholtz (ed.), Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education.  Springer
  • Rasmussen, I.; Kjærnsli, M.; Jensen, F. & Ludvigsen, S. R. (2020). Problemløsing ved samarbeid i PISA 2015: En diskusjon av rammeverket og norske elevers resultater. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO).
  • Rohatgi, A. Bundsgaard, J. & Hatlevik, O.E. (2020). Digital inclusion in Norwegian and Danish schools: Analysing variation in teachers’ collaboration, attitudes, ICT use and students’ ICT literacy., I: T.S.Frønes; A.Pettersen; J.Radišić & N. Buchholtz (ed.), Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education.  Springer.
  • Rohatgi, A. & Scherer, R. (2020). Identifying profiles of students' school climate perceptions using PISA 2015 data. Large-scale Assessments in Education. 8(1).
  • Ryen, J.A. & Frønes, T.S. (2020). Å forstå det man leser – å trekke slutninger i skjønnlitteratur og sakprosa, I: T. S.Frønes & F. Jensen (red.),  Like muligheter til god leseforståelse? 20 år med lesing i PISA, Universitetsforlaget.
  • Teig, N. (2020). Scientific inquiry in TIMSS and PISA 2015. Inquiry as an instructional approach and the assessment of inquiry as an instructional outcome in science. Nordic Studies in Science Education. 16(2).
  • Teig, N.; Scherer, R. & Kjærnsli, M. (2020). Identifying patterns of students' performance on simulated inquiry tasks using PISA 2015 log‐file dataJournal of Research in Science Teaching. 57, s 1400- 1429.
  • Yang Hansen, K., Radišić, J., Liu, X., & Glassow, L.N. (2020). Exploring diversity in the relationships between teacher quality and job satisfaction in the Nordic countries: Insights from TALIS 2013 and 2018., In Stjern Frønes. T., Pettersen, A., Radišić, J. & Buchholtz, N. (Eds.),  Equity, Equality and Diversity in the Nordic Model of Education, Springer. 
  • Weyergang, C. & Frønes, T.S. (2020). Å lese kritisk: Elevers vurderinger av teksters troverdighet og pålitelighet, I: T. S.Frønes & F. Jensen (red.), Like muligheter til god leseforståelse? 20 år med lesing i PISA.  Universitetsforlaget.


  • Bellens, K., Van Damme, J., Van den Noortgate, W., Wendt, H., & Nilsen, T. (2019). Instructional quality: Catalyst or pitfall in educational systems' aim for high achievement and equity? An answer based on multilevel SEM analyses of TIMSS 2015 data in Flanders (Belgium), Germany, and Norway. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 7:1.
  • Buchholtz, N. (2019). Planning and conducting mixed methods studies in mathematics educational research. In G. Kaiser & N. Presmeg (Eds.), Compendium for Early Career Researchers in Mathematics Education (ICME-13 Monographs, pp. 131-152). Cham: Springer.
  • Buchholtz, N., & Schorcht, S. (2019). Welche Überzeugungen haben Lehramtsstudierende zur Geschichte der Mathematik? - Ergebnisse der Studie ÜberLeGMa. mathematica didactica, 42(1), 1-19. Link
  • Canrinus, E., Klette, K., Hammerness, K., & Bergem, O. K. (2019). Opportunities to enact practice in campus courses: Taking a student perspective. Teacher and Teaching, 25(1), 110-124.
  • Nayir, F., Brown, M., Burns, D., O'Hara, J., McNamara, G., Nortvedt, G., Skedsmo, G., Gloppen, S. K., & Wiese, E. F. (2019). Assessment with and for migration background students-cases from Europe. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 79, 39-68.
  • Pettersen, A., & Braeken, J. (2019). Mathematical competency demands of assessment items: A search for empirical evidence. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17(2), 405-425.
  • Scherer, R., & Nilsen, T. (2019). Closing the gaps? Differential effectiveness and accountability as a road to school improvement. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 30(3), 255-260.
  • Scherer, R., Siddiq, F., & Tondeur, J. (2019). The technology acceptance model (TAM): A meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach to explaining teachers’ adoption of digital technology in education. Computers & Education, 128, 13-35.
  • Scherer, R., & Teo, T. (2019). Unpacking teachers' intentions to integrate technology: A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 27, 90-109.
  • Scherer, R., & Siddiq, F. (2019). The relation between students’ socioeconomic status and ICT literacy: Findings from a meta-analysis. Computers & Education, 138, 13-32.
  • Scherer, R., Siddiq, F., & Sánchez Viveros, B. (2019). The cognitive benefits of learning computer programming: A meta-analysis of transfer effects. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(5), 764-792.
  • Siddiq, F., & Scherer, R. (2019). Is there a gap? A meta-analysis of the gender differences in students' ICT literacy. Educational Research Review, 27, 205-217.
  • Teig, N., Scherer, R., & Nilsen, T. (2019, in press). I Know I Can, but Do I Have the Time? The Role of Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Perceived Time Constraints in Implementing Cognitive-Activation Strategies in Science. Frontiers in Psychology,
  • Throndsen, I., Carlsten, T. C., & Björnsson, J. K. (2019). TALIS 2018 - Første Hovedfunn fra Ungsdomstrinnet. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Throndsen, I., & Hatlevik, O. E. (2019). Elevenes skoleprestasjoner sett i lys av IKT-bruk på fritiden. Nordic Studies in Education, 39(1), 5-23.
  • Tondeur, J., Scherer, R., Baran, E., Siddiq, F., Valtonen, T., & Sointu, E. (2019). Teacher educators as gatekeepers: Preparing the next generation of teachers for technology integration in education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(3), 1189-1209.
  • Tondeur, J., Scherer, R., Siddiq, F., & Baran, E. (2019, in press). Enhancing pre-service teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK): a mixed-method study. Educational Technology, Research & Development,
  • Vanslambrouck, S., Chang, Z., Pynoo, B., Lombaerts, K., Tondeur, J., & Scherer, R. (2019). A latent profile analysis of adult students’ online self-regulation in blended learning environments. Computers in Human Behavior, 99, 126-136.


  • Bergem, O. K. (2018). Undervisningskvalitet i Norsk skole: Status, trender og utfordringer. In J. K. Björnsson & R. V. Olsen (Eds.), Tjue år med TIMSS og PISA i Norge (chap. 9, pp. 199-221). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
  • Björnsson, J. K. (2018). Om lenkefeil og ekvivaleringsmetoder på nasjonale prøver: Evaluering av endring over tid. Acta Didacta Norge, 12(4).
  • Bremerich-Vos, Doll, J., Buchholtz, N., Kaiser, G., & König, J. (2018). Nutzungsverläufe für fachdidaktische Studieninhalte der Fächer Deutsch, Englisch und Mathematik im Lehramtsstudium. Die Bedeutung der Lehrämter und der Zusammenhang mit Lehrinnovationen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 64(4), 511-532.
  • Buchholtz, N. (2018). Außerschulisches Lernen von Mathematisieren durch App-basierte mathematische Stadtspaziergänge. In In Fachgruppe Didaktik der Mathematik der Universität Paderborn (ed.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht (pp. 385-388). Münster: WTM-Verlag.
  • Buchholtz, N., & Armbrust, A. (2018). Ein mathematischer Stadtspaziergang zum Satz des Pythagoras als außerschulische Lernumgebung im Mathematikunterricht. In S. Schukajlow & W. Blum (eds.), Evaluierte Lernumgebungen zum Modellieren. Realitätsbezüge im Mathematikunterricht (pp. 143-163). Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum.
  • Buchholtz, N., & Doll, J. (2018). Wissenserwerb und fachdidaktische Lerngelegenheiten im Mathematiklehramtsstudium – Erste Erkenntnisse aus der Begleitforschung des Hamburger ProfaLe-Projekts. In U. Kortenkamp & A. Kuzle (eds.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht (pp. 143-146). Münster: WTM-Verlag.
  • Buchholtz, N., Krosanke, N., Orschulik, A. B., & Vorhölter, K. (2018). Combining and integrating formative and summative assessment in mathematics teacher education. ZDM, 50(4), 715-728.
  • Daus, S., Nilsen, T., & Braeken, J. (2018). Exploring content knowledge: Country profile of science strengths and weaknesses in TIMSS. Possible implications for educational professionals and science research. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research,
  • Greiff, S., & Scherer, R. (2018). Complex Problem Solving and Its Position in the Wider Realm of the Human Intellect. Journal of Intelligence, 6(5).
  • Greiff, S., & Scherer, R. (2018). Still Comparing Apples With Oranges? Some Thoughts on the Principles and Practices of Measurement Invariance Testing. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 34(3), 141-144.
  • Gustafsson, J.-E., Nilsen, T., & Yang Hansen, Kajsa (2018). School characteristics moderating the relation between student socio-economic status and mathematics achievement in grade 8. Evidence from 50 countries in TIMSS 2011. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 57, 16-30.
  • Hatlevik, O. E., Rohatgi, A., & Björnsson, J. K. (2018). Skoleledernes syn på skoleklima: Noen erfaringer fra PISA og TIMSS fra 2003 og 2015. In J. K. Björnsson & R. V. Olsen (Eds.), Tjue år med TIMSS og PISA i Norge (chap. 8, pp. 173-198). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
  • Hatlevik, O. E., Throndsen, I., Loi, M., & Gudmundsdottir, G. B. (2018). Students’ ICT self-efficacy and computer and information literacy: Determinants and relationships. Computers & Education, 118, 107-119.
  • Hole, A., Grønmo, L. S., & Onstad, T. (2018). The dependence on mathematical theory in TIMSS, PISA and TIMSS Advanced test items and its relation to student achievement. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 6:3.
  • Jensen, F., Henriksen, E. K., Holmegaard, H. T., Madsen, L. M., & Ulriksen, L. (2018). Balancing Cost and Value: Scandinavian Students’ First Year Experiences of Encountering Science and Technology Higher Education. Nordina: Nordic Studies in Science Education, 14(1), 3-21.
  • Jensen, F., Mork, S., & Kjærnsli, M. (2018). En sammenligning av naturfagkompetanser i PISA-rammeverket 2015 og den Norske læreplanen. In J. K. Björnsson & R. V. Olsen (Eds.), Tjue år med TIMSS og PISA i Norge (chap. 5, pp. 94-127). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
  • Kaarstein, H., & Nilsen, T. (2018). Norske elevers motivasjon for naturfag gjennom 20 år. In J. K. Björnsson & R. V. Olsen (Eds.), Tjue år med TIMSS og PISA i Norge (chap. 2, pp. 35-56). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
  • Kaarstein, H., Radišić, J., & Nilsen, T. (2018). 20 Years of Mathematics Motivation Mirrored Through TIMSS: Example of Norway. In E. Bergquist, M. Österholm, C. Granberg, & L. Sumpter (Eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (vol. 3, pp. 179-186). Umeå: PME.
  • Kirfel, C., & Aslaksen, H. (2018). Areal, volum og derivasjon. Tangenten: Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning, 29(3), 34-38.
  • Kirfel, C., & Aslaksen, H. (2018). Areal, omkrets og derivasjon. Tangenten: Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning, 29(2), 37-41.
  • Kirfel, C., & Aslaksen, H. (2018). Ein alternativer Zugang zur Ableitung: Betrachrungen zu Volumen, Flächeninhalt und Umfang. Der Mathematikunterricht, 64(3), 23-32.
  • Nerstad, C. G. L., Rosalind, S., Černe, M., Dysvik, A., Škerlavaj, M., & Scherer, R. (2018). Perceived Mastery Climate, Felt Trust, and Knowledge Sharing. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(4), 429-447.
  • Nilsen, T., & Blömeke, S. (2018). Lærerkvalitet, undervisgningskvalitet, -kvantitet og prestasjon: Analyser av TIMSS 2015-data i naturfag på barnetrinnet. In J. K. Björnsson & R. V. Olsen (Eds.), Tjue år med TIMSS og PISA i Norge (chap. 3, pp. 57-75). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
  • Nilsen, T., Björnsson, J. K., & Olsen, R. V. (2018). Hvordan har likeverd i Norsk skole endret seg de siste 20 årene? In J. K. Björnsson & R. V. Olsen (Eds.), Tjue år med TIMSS og PISA i Norge (chap. 7, pp. 150-172). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
  • Nilsen, T., Scherer, R., & Blömeke, S. (2018). The relation of science teachers' quality and instruction to student motivation and achievement in the 4th and 8th grade: A Nordic perspective. In The Nordic Council of Ministers (Ed.), Northern Lights on TIMSS and PISA 2018 (chap. 3, pp. 61-94). Denmark: Nordic Council of Ministers.
  • Nortvedt, G. A. (2018). "Det er et verktøy, ikke sant, for oss" - Erfaringer fra fire gjennomføringer med kartleggingsprøver i regning 2014-2017. Acta Didacta Norge, 12(4).
  • Nortvedt, G. A. (2018). Policy impact of PISA on mathematics education: The case of Norway. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 33(3), 427-444.
  • Nortvedt, G. A., & Buchholtz, N. (2018). Assessment in mathematics education: responding to issues regarding methodology, policy, and equity. ZDM: Mathematics Education, 50(4), 555-570.
  • Nortvedt, G. A., & Siqveland, A. (2018). Are Beginning Calculus and Engineering Students Adequately Prepared for Higher Education? An Assessment of Students’ Basic Mathematical Knowledge. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology,
  • Olsen, R. V., Tveit, S., & Björnsson, J. K. (2018). Nasjonale prøver og eksamener i norsk og svensk grunnopplæring. Acta Didacta Norge, 12(4).
  • Olsen, R. V., & Björnsson, J. K. (2018). Fødselsmåned og skoleprestasjoner. In J. K. Björnsson & R. V. Olsen (Eds.), Tjue år med TIMSS og PISA i Norge (chap. 4, pp. 76-93). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
  • Olsen, R. V., & Björnsson, J. K. (2018). Tjue år med internasjonale skoleundersøkelser i Norge: Bakgrunn, læringspunkter og veien videre. In J. K. Björnsson & R. V. Olsen (Eds.), Tjue år med TIMSS og PISA i Norge (chap. 1, pp. 12-34). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
  • Oskarsson, M., Kjærnsli, M., Sørensen, H., & Eklöf, H. (2018). Nordic students' interest and self-belief in science. In The Nordic Council of Ministers (Ed.), Northern Lights on TIMSS ansd PISA 2018 (chap. 4, pp. 95-122). Denmark: Nordic Council of Ministers.
  • Pettersen, A., & Nortvedt, G. (2018). Identifying Competency Demands in Mathematical Tasks: Recognising What Matters. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 16(5), 949-965.
  • Radišić, J., & Baucal, A. (2018). Teachers’ reflection on PISA items and why they are so hard for students in Serbia. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 33(3), 445- 466.
  • Radišić, J., Videnović, M., & Baucal, A. (2018). Distinguishing successful students in mathematics: A comparison across European countries. Psihologija, 51(1), 69-89.
  • Roger, S., & Radišić, J. (2018). Promoting teaching, learning and informed decision-making through the lenses of international large-scale assessment: looking beyond numbers. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 33(3), 419-426.
  • Scherer, R., & Guttersrud, Ø. (2018). Observing the World Through Your Own Lenses – The Role of Perceived Adaptability for Epistemological Beliefs About the Development of Scientific Knowledge. Frontiers in Psychology,
  • Scherer, R., Tondeur, J. Siddiq, F., & Baran, E. (2018). The importance of attitudes toward technology for pre-service teachers' technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge: Comparing structural equation modeling approaches. Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 67-80.
  • Støle, H., Mangen, A., Frønes, T. S., & Thomson, J. (2018). Digitisation of reading assessment, In M. Barzillai, J. Thompson, S. Schroeder, & P. van den Broek (eds.), Learning to Read in a Digital World (chap. 9, pp. 205-224). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Teig, N., Scherer, R., & Nilsen, T. (2018). More isn’t always better: The curvilinear relationship between inquiry-based teaching and student achievement in science. Learning and Instruction, 56, 20-29.



Note. This list is a selection of publications. Please review the individual members' webpages for additional works that are not shown here.