Past projects

Selected research projects with contributions from the members of LiDA

ENABLE: Higher Education and Multimedia in Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation Contexts of Learning

The overall goal in this project is to contribute to competence building among teachers and rehabilitation workers who serve persons with sensory impairment in East Africa.

Learning Objects supporting Constructivism and 21st Century Skills (LOC21)

The first line of development focuses on learning objects (LO) and the LMS market, inspired by the idea of ​​a learning object economy advocating sharing and reusing learning objects. The second line of development  focuses on the competencies and skills for the 21st century learners, which we argue is strongly associated with the ideas of constructivism (in particular socio-constructivism) and deep learning. The two lines of development have a long history independent of each other, and have drawn in different if not opposite (un coordinated) directions. We believe the future learning management platforms (LMS) will benefit by taking advantage of integrated efforts for mutual benefit. We aim to accomplish this by suggesting a set of design principles that is grounded in learning theory, on one end, and emerging from empirical research on the other.


U-say er et innovasjonsprosjekt i videregående skole, der forskere gjerne vil høre hva ungdom tenker om egen utdanning. Det gjøres i form av et dataprogram der elever lærer om hjernen og hjerneforskning, samtidig som de reflekterer over det å starte på videregående skole.

Visitor Engagement

This BIA project has the aim of developing concepts and innovative tools for understanding visitor engagement in science centers and museums. The consortium includes participants from the University of Oslo, Norsk Regnesentral, Expology, Norsk Teknisk Museum, Norsk Maritimt Museum and Engineerium.

KnowMo - Knowledge in motion across contexts of learning
Project leader: Ola Erstad

Investigating knowledge practices in and out of school - How and what do young people learn when they participate in organized sports or in online communities? Can teachers make use of such out-of school learning, and will it make school learning more engaging for students? These are some of the questions that motivate the research project KnowMo. The KnowMo project aims to develop understanding of the differences and similarities between learning processes in different contexts. A practical objective is to investigate and suggest how teachers can draw on young people’s out-of-school experiences in ways productive for school learning.

Ark & App
Project leader: Øystein Gilje

The research project Ark & App investigates the use of teaching aids in planning, implementating and evaluating teaching in four subjects in basic education, math, science, English and social studies. Through 12 case studies, we observe how teaching aids are used in teaching programw, with particular emphasis on how different teaching materials create involvement and various forms of interaction between teacher and student. Pre-posttests are also used to identify student learning with the choice of various teaching aids

Spilltakulær - Gamification, participation and learning

This pre-project investigates pedagogical models linked with the use of gamification in foreign language teaching. It will bring together schools, researchers and developers to create new innovative strategies to engage students in their learning. How can gamification participates in changing schools in order to give more agency to the students as well as making them more engaged in their own learning processes?

MIRACLE - Mixed Reality Interactions Across Contexts of Learning
Project leader: Ingeborg Krange

The primary objectives of MIRACLE are to develop knowledge about what characterizes science learning and instruction when a mixed reality actiivity is used for educational purposes. MIRACLE delivers models of learning spaces for a mixed reality set up that seamlessly ties together different settings: the school, the web, and the museum. The project provides knowledge and inspiration for designing an educational program that utilizes the Internet of the future.

OBSERVE. Understanding Visitor Engagement
Project leader: Palmyre Pierroux

The overarching idea in Observe is to develop an existing prototype from the CONTACT project into a market-ready product used to conduct visitor studies in museums, cultural heritage organizations and other institutions in the cultural sector. The aim is to introduce a new standard of practice in the field of visitor studies at a national level.

CONTACT: Communicating Organizations in Networks of Art and Cultural Heritage Technologies
Project leader: Palmyre Pierroux 

Research in CONTACT investigated the design and use of digital and social media in museums and cultural heritage organizations. 'Problems in practice' and 'anticipating change' related to new ICTs, identified in collaboration with our different museum partners, framed the development of research activities in CONTACT. The total funding was NOK 12 million.

SCY - Science Created by You
Project leader: Anders Kluge

This EU-project developed a system for constructive and productive learning of science and technology by using a flexible and adaptive pedagogical approach to learning. SCY was an Integrated project financed by the 7th framework program in the European Commission, running from 2008-2012 with 12 partners from 7 countries. The total funding was €6 million.

TWEAK - Tweaking Wikis for Education and Advancement of Knowledge
Project leader: Ingvill Rasmussen

The TWEAK project had two interrelated goals. First, to match collectively oriented tools such as wikis with tasks that require collaborative efforts. Secondly, to address the role of the teacher as a most vital force in designing and supporting activities conducive to knowledge advancement.

Social change and personal development – psychosocial perspectives

This theoretical project has for main focus the analysis of "intergenerational transmission" in regard to several empirical examples. This project aims at combining a materialistic perspective with a psychosocial understanding of gender.

Three Generations in a Chinese Village

This project explores the impact of social transformation in post-Mao China on rural young people’s lives from a generational perspective. It starts with members of the current youth generation (18-28 years old) and compares their life stories with those of their parents and grandparents. The investigation will focus on two general themes: rural youth’s experiences of China’s reform and opening up in comparison with their parents’ and grandparents’ experiences of the same social transformation; and the experiences of ‘being young’ across the three generations of youth.

Differensiert nettbasert samarbeidslæring med opptak og gjenbruk i voksenopplæring

Den teknologiske utviklingen har gjort samarbeidslæring og distribuert undervisning mulig. Et annet område for forskning og kommersialisering som har blitt viktig de siste årene er adaptiv læring. Prosjektet DiffSamRec søker å forene disse to mulighetene ved å bruke Studix teknologi for adaptiv distribuert læring og undervisning i etterutdanning ved Akershus fylkeskommune.

Kompetent Bonde

The future of the Norwegian agriculture sector depends on an effective knowledge and innovation system. This project aims to strengthen how farmers develop their competence in such a system, and will provide both scientific and practical knowledge on how to do this. An important knowledge platform on the Norwegian agriculture innovation system will be developed. Strong involvement from the business sector and emphasis on communication from the project enhances its potential to succeed and to contribute to reforms.

Read more about past projects from IPED here

Published Dec. 12, 2019 11:28 AM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2023 12:11 PM