Open research seminar: Human-centered learning analytics

Welcome to an open research seminar on human-centered learning analytics.

illustration of statistics, graphs and a crowd of people

Photo: Pixabay


13:00–13.45: Alyssa Friend Wise: Reflecting on Human Centeredness in Learning Analytics

To be effective LA tools must not only be technically robust but also designed to be useful to and usable by real people. This can be thought of as designing both for humans and with humans, complementary perspectives which have received increasing attention from the LA community over the last several years. But what do such processes look like in practice and how does (or should) designing for and with “humans” differ from doing so for “users”? I will address these questions by overviewing recent research efforts by NYU-LEARN, both sharing findings related to participatory design and analytics use and highlighting gaps in this body of work that we are seeking to remedy with several new initiatives.

Alyssa Friend Wise is Professor of Learning Sciences & Educational Technology in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development and the Director of LEARN, NYU's university-wide  Learning Analytics Research Network. Her work is situated at the intersection of the learning sciences and educational data science, focusing on the design of learning analytics systems that are theoretically grounded, computationally robust, and pedagogically useful for informing teaching and learning.

13:45–14:30: Simon Buckingham Shum: Learning, Analytics, and Human Factors

Once Learning Analytics (LA) moves from being a researcher’s tool to embedded in apps for educators or learners, we face a Human-Centred Design (HCD) challenge. Thus, Human Factors becomes the third key domain to bring into dialogue with Learning and Analytics.

The rich history of work in established communities including Human-Computer Interaction, Participatory Design and Informatics offers theories, methods and tools that LA can and should build on, and we see an encouraging momentum building around integrating HCD and LA.

As I will also illustrate, this translates into practical ways of designing with stakeholders in a university setting, if the institution has the capability to design its own LA tools.

Simon Buckingham Shum is Professor of Learning Informatics at the University of Technology Sydney, where he serves as inaugural Director of the Connected Intelligence Centre. CIC is a research-informed innovation hub inventing, evaluating and scaling automated feedback tools for students, using Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. Simon is a co-founder of the Society for Learning Analytics Research, and has been active in contributing to the field since its inception. His HCD perspective on learning technology and LA derive from his B.Sc. Psychology, M.Sc. Ergonomics and Ph.D. Human-Computer Interaction.

14:30–14:45: Crina Damsa & Rachelle Esterhazy: Collaboration analytics and automated feedback in higher education 

The research project TeamLearn studies how multimodal learning analytics can be employed to study and support collaborative problem solving and team-based learning in higher education.

Through conducting design-based research in three study programs (medical, nursing and legal education), TeamLearn examines how multimodal analytics dashboards can be implemented into the learning designs and how they provide automated feedback to student teams during collaborative learning activities.

TeamLearn is a newly started 4-year research project funded by the Research Council of Norway. The project is led by Crina Damşa and Rachelle Esterhazy, both Associate professors at the Department of Education (IPED).

14:45–15:00: Break

Implementation section

15:00–15:45: Barbara Wasson: Implementing Learning Analytics in Norway

In autumn 2021 the Norwegian Ministry of Education appointed a national expert group to assess the use of learning analysis in basic education, vocational education, and higher education.

The expert group has a mandate to assess educational and ethical issues when using learning analysis, as well as address legal issues and privacy concerns, and to identify possibilities and challenges when implementing learning analytics in Norwegian education.

In this presentation I will present findings from the first report, Læringsanalyse – noen sentrale dilemmaer (Learning Analytics – Some Central Dilemmas), from the Expert Group, released in June 2022.

Barbara Wasson is Professor of Information Science at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway. She is also the Director of the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE), the national competence centre for learning analytics, which is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Education. Currently Wasson is on the steering board of UiB AI (University of Bergen) and a member of the UiB rector’s expert group EU Forum, in addition to her work for the Council of Europe, she is a member of the Norwegian Government’s expert group on learning analytics, which is looking at the technical, pedagogical, legal and ethical aspects of the implementation of learning analytics in the Norwegian educational sector.

15:45–16:00: Jan Dolonen: Learning analytics research and development at University of Oslo, Norway

In Norway, there is a focus on digitization of higher education. Learning analytics is a part of this focus and the University of Oslo (UiO) have established a network for learning analytics research and development named HuLAR. HuLAR's purpose is to establish a technical infrastructure and practices for learning analytics at UiO.

16:00–16:30: General discussion: Issues from the presentations


Tags: Learning analytics
Published Aug. 30, 2022 2:40 PM - Last modified Dec. 4, 2023 9:37 AM