2017 | Mediate Publications

Journal Articles          

Brownlee, J. L., Ferguson, L. E., & Ryan, M. (2017). Changing Teachers' Epistemic Cognition: A New Conceptual Framework for Epistemic Reflexivity. Educational Psychologist, 1-11. (link)

Cruaud, C. (in press). Learner Autonomy and Playful Learning: Students’ Experience of a Gamified Application for French as a Foreign Language. ALSIC (Language Learning and Information and Communication Systems)

Enqvist-Jensen, C., Nerland, M. & Rasmussen, I. (2017). Maintaining doubt to keep problems open for exploration: An analysis of law students' collaborative work with case assignments. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. (link)

Hegna, K. (2017). Conflicts, competition and social support in female-dominated vocational education – breaking or reaffirming stereotypical femininity? Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 1-18. (link)

Hilmarsen, HIlde & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2017). Livet på Instagram. Ungdommers digitale forlengelser av sosial relasjoner og vennskap. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning. 17(1), pp. 3-23. (link)

Kindt, M. T. (2017): Right Choice, Wrong Motives? Narratives about Prestigious Educational Choices among Children of Immigrants in Norway, Ethnic and Racial Studies. pp. 1-19. (link)

Kindt, M. T. (2017) "Innvandrerdriv eller middelklassedriv?." Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift 1:1 (2017): 71-86. (link)

Liu, F. S. (2017). Chinese young men’s construction of exemplary masculinity: The hegemony of chenggong. Men and Masculinties, 1-23.  (link)

Liu, F. S. (2017). An expressive turn with a Chinese twist: Other-sex relations in three generations. Sociology, 1-16. (link)

Mørch, A.I., Engeness, I, Cheng, V.C., Cheung, W.K., & Wong, K. (2017). EssayCritic: Writing to Learn with a Knowledge-Based Design Critiquing System. Educational Technology & Society, 20(2), 213-223. (link)

Roth, W-M. & Jornet, A. (in press). From object-oriented to fluid ontology: A case study of the materiality of design work in agile software development. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Doi:10.1007/s10606-017-9297-6 . (link)

Roth, W.-M., & Jornet, A. (2017). Theorizing with/out 'Mediators'. Integrative Psychological and Behavioural Science. (link)

Tondeur, J.; Aesaert, K.; Pynoo, B.; van Braak, J.; Fraeyman, N.; Erstad, O. (2017) Developing a validated instrument to measure preservice teachers? ICT competencies: Meeting the demands of the 21st century. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48(2) pp. 462-472.

Book Chapters

Hetland, P. (2017). "Fire perspektiver på kildebruk, troverdighet og kildekritikk." In B. K. Engen, T. H. Giæver &  L. Mifsud (Eds.) Digital dømmekraft, pp. 43-60. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.

Hegna, Kristinn, Eriksen, Ingunn Marie, Sletten, Mira Åboen, Strandbu, Åse, & Ødegård, Guro. (2017). "Ungdom og psykisk helse - endringer og kontekstuelle forklaringer". I Bunting, Mette og Geir Moshuus (reds): Skolesamfunnet. Kompetansekrav og ungdomsfellesskap (pp. 75-94): Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Jornet, A., & Roth, W.-M. (2017). Design {Thinking | Communicating}: A Sociogenetic Approach to Reflective Practice in Collaborative Design. In, B. T. Christensen, L. J. Ball, & K. Halskov (Eds.), Analysing design thinking: Studies of cross-cultural co-creation. ​CRC Press. (link)

Kindt, M. T. & Hegna, K. (2017) Innvandrerdriv på Oslos østkant. Aspirasjoner om høyere utdanning blant yrkesfagelever og elitestudenter med innvandrerbakgrunn i Oslo. pp. 229-244. In Ljungren, J. (Ed.) Oslo, ulikhetenes by. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Liu, F. S. (forthcoming 2017) Parent-child relationships in three Chinese generations: Implications for schooling and lessons for Tanzania. In Birgit Brock-Utne, et al. (Eds.) Transforming Education for Development in Africa. Cape Town: African Minds.

Ludvigsen, S. R. & Arnseth, H.C. (2017) Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. In E. Duval, Sharples, M. & Sutherland, R. (Eds.) Technology Enhanced Learning, pp. 47-58. Springer.

Mørch A.I., Caruso V., Hartley M.D. (2017). End-User Development and Learning in Second Life: The Evolving Artifacts Framework with Application. In: Paternò F., Wulf V. (eds) New Perspectives in End-User Development. Springer, Cham. (link)

PhD Theses

Hetland, P. (2017). "Rethinking the Social Contract between Science and Society: Steps to an Ecology of Science Communication." Dr. Philos., Department of Education, University of Oslo (265 pp.).


Published Apr. 25, 2017 2:27 PM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2023 11:07 AM