Sefton-Green, J., Erstad, O., & Nelligan P.// Educational Futures Across Generations

Project Report. Educational Futures Across Generations. 2021

Image may contain: Joint, Product, Human, Smile, Community.



Project overview

Mid-2020, the Center for Research for Educational Impact (REDI) at Deakin University and the Department of Education at the University of Oslo established a website called Educational Futures Across Generations . The aim of the project was to bring together various perspectives on the future of education and the way the pandemic has and continues to impact education and learning. Scholars from across the globe were invited to submit video responses for up to three questions prescribed by the research team. The consensus from the submissions so far is that education and learning systems need to adjust to meet significant social and cultural change, especially:

  • how teachers and students access and use technology;
  • in response to the disruption to face-to-face teaching
  • the decline in civic responsibility of schools
  • the everyday commonplace of virtual communities and digital learning.

The website is still evolving with new contributions, and the community of video statements is intended to expand so as to include new stakeholder groups such as teachers and principals in different countries. This project contributes to  UNESCO's Futures Initiative and seeks to broaden and deepen understandings and conversations about the future of education in both a global and local context.

Published Apr. 20, 2021 12:29 PM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2023 12:03 PM