Kaliisa, R., Kluge, A., & Mørch, A. I. // Overcoming Challenges to the Adoption of Learning Analytics at the Practitioner Level: A Critical Analysis of 18 Learning Analytics Frameworks.

Journal article. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 2021


Learning analytics (LA) is a fast-growing field but adoption by teachers remain limited. This paper presents the results of a review of 18 LA frameworks and discusses how they have tried to address prominent challenges in LA adoption. The results show that researchers have made significant advances in developing appropriate frameworks to conceptualise LA adoption among teachers, and have advanced considerably in connecting LA and learning theory. However, few frameworks are concretised into technological artefacts and concrete data streams. Moreover, there is a need to empirically validate and put into use the most promising existing frameworks. We hope that this review will be informative for teachers who have little LA experience but are interested in adopting LA in authentic practice.

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Tags: Learning analytics, frameworks, models, teacher adoption, challenges, orchestration
Published Sep. 2, 2021 1:30 PM - Last modified Sep. 2, 2021 1:30 PM