Disputation: Master Åste Marie Mjelve Hagen

Master Åste Marie Mjelve Hagen will defend her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Reading in the knowledge society. A quantitative and qualitative investigation of students' strategic reading of multiple texts.

Trial lecture - time and place

Her trial lecture will be held Monday December 14th 2012 at 10.15 - 11.00 , Auditorium 1, Helga Engs building, Blindern

Lecture title:

Interpretation and use of the concept epistemic believes in educational research.

Adjudication committee

  • Professor Marja Vauras, Department of Teacher education, University of Turku, Finland (1. opponent)
  • Professor Mona Reichenberg, Department of Language Studies, Umeå University, Sweden (2. opponent)
  • Professor Solveig-Alma Halaas Lyster, Department of Special Needs Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo is 3rd member of the committee and the committee's coordinator.

Chair of defence

  • Dean, Professor Vibeke Grøver, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo.


  • Professor Ivar Bråten, Department of Educational Research, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo

Additional information

Summary in English, see:

Information in Norwegian, see:

Published Nov. 29, 2012 11:10 AM - Last modified Nov. 30, 2012 4:04 PM