Disputation: Cand.Ed. Kristin Vonheim

Cand.Ed. Kristin Vonheim defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Early interaction in families with internationaly adopted children. an observational study of parent-child interactions at age two and three.

Kristin Vonheim

Trial lecture - time and place

Her trial lecture will be held Tuesday, September 17th 2013 at 10.15 - 11.00, Lecture Hall 3 , Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Lecture title:

Describe the scientific basis for how biological kinship (genes) and the development of relationships relates to each other.

Adjudication committee

  • Prodekan Bim Ridderspore, Fakulteten för lärande och samhälle, Malmö Högskola, Sverige(1. opponent).
  • Professor emeritus Marianne Cederblad, Institutionen för barn- och ungdomspsykiatri, Lunds universitet, Sverige (2. opponent).

3rd member of the committee and the committee's coordinator is Professor II Finn Skårderud, Department of Special Needs Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo.

Chair of defence


  • Professor Monica Dalen, Department of Special Needs Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo.
  • Professor Harald Martinsen, Department of Special Needs Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo


Additional information

Summary, see

Information in Norwegian, see

Published Sep. 23, 2013 1:40 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2017 12:49 PM