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Disputation: Tamar Kalandadze

Master Tamar Kalandadze at the Department of Special Needs Education defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:

Making Sense of the Word and the World: Figurative Language Comprehension in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Tamar Kalandadze

Tamar Kalandadze

Trial lecture - time and place

Her trial lecture will be held Thursday 12 December 2019, 10.15 - 11.00, in Lecture Hall 2, Helga Engs building, Blindern.

Methodological challenges in research on populations of children with various forms of communication disabilities.

Adjudication Committee

  • Professor Melissa L. Allen, School of Education, University of Bristol, UK  (the first opponent)
  •  Professor emeritus Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Department of Education and Special Education, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (the second opponent)
  • Professor Björn Lyxell, Department of Special Needs Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo, is third member of the committee and the committee's coordinator.

Chair of defence

Associate Professor Ulrika LöfkvistDepartment of Special Needs Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo




Published Nov. 27, 2019 9:41 AM - Last modified Mar. 11, 2020 12:12 PM