Master Veerle Garrels

Promoting self-determination for adolescents with mild intellectual disability. Validation of a self-determination measure and evaluation of an educational intervention.

The main theme of the thesis is self-determination for students with mild intellectual disability (ID). The following research questions have guided the doctoral project:

  1. To which extent is the AIR-S-NOR a valid and reliable tool for measuring self-determination in school for Norwegian students with mild ID?
  2. What is the effect of student-directed learning on the academic goal attainment and self-determination skills of students with mild ID?
  3. Which accommodations and adaptations may be required in order to adapt the self-determination instruments and interventions to meet the specific cognitive profile of students with mild ID?

The study consists of two parts. The first part includes a psychometric and cross-cultural validation of the AIR Self-Determination Scale. The instrument was tested on 121 students (of whom 34 had mild ID). Findings suggest that the AIR-S-NOR is a reliable measure for self-determination in students with mild ID. The second part of the study explored whether and how we can promote self-determination by using the instructional model “The Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction” (SDLMI). A single-case experimental design study was conducted with eight students with mild ID. Findings indicate that students with mild ID can set and attain personally relevant academic goals, and teachers reported increased self-determination scores after a three-month intervention with the SDLMI.

This research provides an important contribution to the special educational field. Self-determination is associated with positive outcomes such as improved quality of life and higher levels of independence in adult life. Therefore, self-determination is an important pedagogical outcome, but so far, no measurement instruments or pedagogical interventions for self-determination were available in Norway. This doctoral project addresses this knowledge gap.


Published Nov. 11, 2019 12:28 PM - Last modified Nov. 11, 2019 12:28 PM