
Time and place: , Zoom

Master Line Ingulfsen at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research will defend the dissertation "Doing representations: Exploring teachers’ and students’ collaborative sensemaking with visual representations" for the degree of PhD. 

Time and place: , Zoom

Master Camilla Gudmundsdatter Magnusson at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research will defend the dissertation "Lesedidaktiske praksiser i norskfaget på ungdomstrinnet. Læreres lesestrategiundervisning og tekstavhengige spørsmål – og elevers metakognitive kunnskap om egen lesing." for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Zoom

Master Michel Alexandre Cabot at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research will defend the dissertation "Meaningful Grammar Feedback in English Writing Teacher Education" PhD.

Time and place: , Zoom

MA Ingrid Miriam Rodrick Beiler at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research will defend the dissertation Multilingualism as a Resource in English Writing Instruction - Opportunities and Obstacles in Five Linguistically Diverse Classrooms in Norway for the degree of Philosophiae doctor.

Time and place: , Zoom

Master of Philosophy Jennifer Maria Luoto at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research will publicly defend the dissertation Exploring, understanding, and problematizing patterns of instructional quality: A study of instructional quality in Finnish–Swedish and Norwegian lower secondary mathematics classrooms  for the degree of Philosophiae doctor.

Time and place: , Zoom

Master Mari Sjøberg at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research will defend the dissertation Teaching and learning through scientific practices in the laboratory in biology education. Exploring modelling through representation construction as scientific practice for the degree of philosophiae doctor.