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Duties and rights of candidates and supervisors

Candidates and supervisors must maintain regular contact. They have a mutual obligation to keep each other informed about all matters of significance to the work with the project and the supervision. The parties are obliged to actively address factors that may cause delays or deviations from the agreed progress plan.

Doctoral candidates must:

  • Discuss their progress plan, choice of courses and overseas stays with the supervisors.
  • Work in accordance with the agreed progress plan, and in consultation with their supervisors adjust it as necessary.
  • Submit reports or drafts of parts of the thesis (chapters/articles/extended abstract) to the supervisors at least every six months or as agreed between the supervisors and candidate in the progress plan, ref. the duty to report pursuant to section 9 of the regulations – Reporting and the programme plan, Quality assurance. Parts of the thesis may be presented at a seminar.
  • Comply with research ethics principles relevant to the field.
  • Adhere to UiO’s affiliation instructions for academic publications.
  • Actively participate and contribute to the faculty’s courses, seminars and research community.
  • Collate all documentation of completed courses in the organized research training (internal and external).
  • Submit an annual progress report to the unit on the dedicated form.
  • Discuss delays in the thesis work as stated in the progress report.
  • Adhere to the agreements entered into with their supervisors for the submission of work, supervision, participation at seminars etc.
  • Comply with research ethics principles relevant to the discipline and ensure that personal data is correctly reported and processed, in accordance with the guidelines issued by Data Protection Services at Sikt.

Supervisors must:

  • Keep up-to-date on the progress of the candidate’s work and evaluate it in relation to the progress plan in the project description.
  • Address situations that could potentially lead to delays in the organized research training in order to ensure completion within the nominal time.
  • Advise the candidate on how to formulate and define topics and research questions.
  • Help the candidate to identify scholarly literature and data sources (library, archives etc.).
  • Discuss and evaluate hypotheses and methods.
  • Discuss findings and how to interpret these.
  • Discuss the layout and form of the thesis (e.g. format, linguistic form)
  • Advise the candidate on research ethics issues in connection with the thesis.
  • Ensure that the candidate actively participates in an active research community and in internal research seminars where the candidate can present their draft thesis, and introduce the candidate to relevant external research communities.
  • Submit annual reports on the progress of the organized research training on the dedicated form.
  • Ensure that any residence requirements are met, and report non-compliance.
  • Guide the candidate in relation to finding relevant academic environments, and assist with identifying suitable periods and places for overseas stays.
  • Ensure that personal data is reported and treated correctly, in accordance with the guidelines of Data Protection Services at Sikt
  • Comply with the Ethical Guidelines for Supervisors at UiO.
  • Discuss with the candidate in advance any wish to co-author articles in the thesis.
  • Ensure that matters relating to co-publication and access to shared data are agreed in advance. Where the doctoral project is part of a larger project this can be explained in a separate appendix* to the agreement.
  • Advise the candidate on publishing material in approved national/international journals (for article-based theses)
  • Assist the candidate in informing the unit that the thesis is almost ready for submission. This will enable the adjudication committee to be ready shortly after submission of the thesis.


Ethical Guidelines for Supervisors at UiO

Genereal guidelines for research ethics

Guidelines for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences, Law and the Humanities

Discussion topics on supervision 

Guidelines for supervisors

Published Apr. 22, 2015 8:22 AM - Last modified Nov. 30, 2022 3:34 PM