Finances relating to the adjudication work


The coordinator is responsible for informing the committee members of the financial details surrounding the adjudication work of doctoral theses, including adjudication, opposition, travel and accommodation in connection with the public defence. The committee must be given information on the faculty’s practical and financial contribution, the procedure for the payment of fees, and the procedure for the reimbursement of documented travel and accommodation expenses.


The standard fee for the assessment of a doctoral thesis covers 30 hours of work. The opposition work is considered to take 20 and 15 hours respectively for the first and second opponents. For committee members from outside Norway, 6 hours of opposition work is regarded as performed in Norway.

In the event of a second assessment of a thesis due to the committee's recommendation for minor revisions (ref.14.2), external committee members are remunerated for an extra 15 hours each.


The faculty books hotels and covers hotel stays. For public defence of the PhD degree, the faculty normally covers a stay of 2 days. For public defence of the Dr. Philos. degree, the faculty normally covers a stay of 3 days. Original receipts/tickets must accompany travel expense claim forms for travel and accommodation.


The faculty requests that external parties order and pay for their travel. After the public defence, the costs will be refunded upon submission of a travel expenses claim form with the relevant documentation. The faculty covers travel costs for the least expensive (economy class) and most effective mode of travel (air, train, boat, etc.). If the visitor wants to use their own car, they must apply to the faculty for approval well in advance of the date of travel to Oslo.

Payment of monies due and documentation of expenses

You will be contacted by the administration regarding the procedure for honorarium and refunding travel expenses. 

Original receipts/tickets are required for all refundable expenses.

For all travel expenses paid by the visitors themselves, a ticket is required as proof of travel, or a boarding pass for air travel, and bank statement extracts showing payment of the relevant expense.

In order to avoid unnecessary delays in the reimbursement of expenses, the above documentation must be submitted immediately after returning from the PhD examination, preferably with the travel expenses claim form.

If ambiguities arise, the coordinator should contact the faculty’s administration.

Published Mar. 23, 2016 12:28 PM - Last modified May 31, 2022 2:33 PM