Errata list

In the case you wish to correct typographical and/or linguistic errors in the submitted thesis, you have the possibility of delivering an errata list.

What is an errata list?

An errata list is a list of specific corrections of formal errors (layout, correcting printing errors, language errors, etc.) that you wish to make to the submitted thesis before the disputation. Correction of formal errors in practice means the text is made coherent or linguistically correct, not to clarify or change the meaning of the text.

The provision that you cannot make substantive changes also applies if before the disputation you learn that a submitted article is approved or published by a publishing house but in a revised form. It is the submitted article manuscripts that will form the basis for the disputation. But you can for instance refer to the final journal article in the errata list in the printed thesis - if you have time to do so.

To whom and when should the errata be delivered?

As soon as you discover errors in your thesis you should write an errata list. You must apply to the Faculty for permission to correct errors in the thesis before it is sent for printing. Remember that the Faculty must have time to assess your application, so you need to allow plenty of time. You are not allowed to bring substantial changes in at this time. The errata list will be sent to the adjudication committee by the Faculty. The errata list has to be an attachment in the printed version of your thesis to the disputation. 


Published Mar. 23, 2016 4:27 PM - Last modified Apr. 28, 2021 9:11 PM