Submission of the thesis

Before submission



What do you need to include with the submission?

The application for evaluation of the thesis must include:

  • Application for assessment of thesis (in Norwegian only)
  • The thesis in PDF format
  • Necessary licences, permits, recommendations etc that are required in connection with the research that forms the basis of the doctoral work (NSD/Sikt, REK)

  • Completed training component, approved by your Department

  • Short summary of the thesis in English or Norwegian

  • Co-authorship declarations if relevant

Where do you send the application?

  • The thesis and associated documents are delivered to your department. The department sends a combined application with suggested evaluation commitee to the faculty. Contact the PhD adviser at your department for more information.

    You cannot withdraw a thesis that has been submitted for assessment. 

Are you submitting a revised thesis?

If you have received a recommendation to submit a revised version of the thesis within a specific deadline (§14.2 in the regulations), you must submit 

  • the revised thesis
  • A cover letter addressed to the assessment committee in which you briefly explain what changes have been made.

Are you submitting for the second time?

Did you have your thesis rejected and are submitting it according to §16 in the regulations? Then the submission procedure is the same as for first submission.


What happens after submission?

Appointment of the Committee, and deadline for the report 

The Faculty will appoint an evaluation committee which shall evaluate the thesis, the trial lecture and the public defence

You will be notified of the composition of the committee and are entitled to submit written comments on the composition whitin a week.



What should I do whilst awaiting the decision of the adjudication committee?

Prepare the thesis for printing in the Faculty’s publication series, including an errata list for the thesis where necessary.  

Prepare a personal details form etc. For further information, see adjudication, trial lecture and public defence etc. See also the faculty’s procedures and advice for finalizing a doctoral degree.

Published Apr. 22, 2015 8:22 AM - Last modified June 12, 2024 10:59 AM