Norwegian version of this page



Below are summaries of the reports from the EVA2020-project in English. Please refer to the Norwegian version of this site for the full reports in Norwegian.

Scientific publications

  • Gunnulfsen, A. E., & Hall, J. B. (2023). Reform planning strategies: a micro-policy case of Norwegian school principals. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 1-14. DOI: 0.1080/00313831.2023.2228830

  • Bjørnsen H.N., Bjørnebekk G. & Brandmo C. (2023) Schools as a Source of Mental Health Literacy: Adjusting and Validating a Mental Health Literacy Scale. Health Promotion Practice, DOI:10.1177/15248399231161090

  • Jensen, R. & Ottesen, E. (2023) Recursive and adaptive processes in strategic work: municipality leaders’ and school leaders’ accounts of their work for educational reform, Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, DOI: 10.1080/20020317.2023.2178839

  • Hall, J. B., Gunnulfsen, A. E. & Jensen, R. (2023) Organisational arrangements, resources and tensions in the enactment of a renewed state curriculum: the entrepreneurial role of principals and superintendents, Journal of Educational Administration and History, DOI: 10.1080/00220620.2023.2175801

Related publications

  • Karseth, Berit (2023). Curriculum, National Identity, and National Literacy. In Fox, Stephanie & Boser, Lukas (Red.), National Literacies in Education. Historical Reflections on the Nexus of Nations, National Identity, and Education. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-031-41761-0. s. 125–142. doi:

  • Bernotaite, S., & Ottesen, E. (2023). Entanglement of support and governance in digital curriculum instruments: The case of educational reform in Norway. European Educational Research Journal0(0).

  • Sundby, A. H., & Rødnes , K. A. (2023). Knowledge of What? Teachers’ perspectives of an L1 Language and Literature subject curriculum document. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature23(1), 1–27.

  • Sundby, A. H., & Karseth, B. (2022). ‘The knowledge question’ in the Norwegian curriculum. The Curriculum Journal, 33, 427– 442.