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The Student Academic Organisation at CEMO

The Student Academic Organisation at CEMO (Fagutvalget) is an elected student body for the Centre for Educational Measurement and represents the students in matter concerning the student environment, both social and academic by working as a bridge between the students and the Centre.

Illustration photo by Shane Colvin/UiO.

Illustration photo by Shane Colvin/UiO.

The Student Academic Organisation at CEMO make sure that you as a student are satisfied with your student life whether it has to do with the programme or with your social student life. To achieve this, we organise various events throughout the year such as writing workshops, game nights, crash-courses and much more. Additionally, we also cooperate with the other student committees at the Faculty for larger events, such as exam boost and “UV-dagen”.


The Student Academic Organisation at CEMO is a friendly and welcoming group and open for new members that would like to join. By joining, you get to work with making the student environment better both academically and socially. You also get to know students across the cohorts and other students at the Faculty. Additionally, you get the chance to obtain experience through different tasks and roles within the organisation.



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Published Sep. 22, 2023 11:15 AM - Last modified Nov. 24, 2023 2:12 PM