Applying for campus exam

Students who have a special need, due to a lack of technical equipment or a home situation that is unsuitable for exams, could, upon application, be allowed to take the exam in the premises of Blindern.

There will be limited capacity, so the applications are evaluated and prioritized by the management of the department. 

Criteria that will be considered are:

  • Lack of PC access
  • Missing or very defective network connection 
  • Lack of microphone / webcam (for oral exams)
  • A home situation that is unsuitable for exams

You can only apply for exams at the Faculty of Education.Questions about exams at other faculties must be directed to that faculty. 

Not being sure about the use of Inspera or Zoom is not a recognized reason to apply. It is important that you try out the program you will be using well in advance of the exam, and ask beforehand if you have any questions.

Home examinations and submissions in Inspera

Tutorial Zoom

Application deadline is no later than 14 days before the exam. 

Please use web form to apply


Information about applying for a postponed exam

Published May 4, 2020 9:38 AM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2023 1:37 PM