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Submitting your Master´s thesis

There are a number of requirements that must be fulfilled before you can submit your Master´s thesis, including, a summary, title page etc.

Submitting your Master´s thesis

The thesis must be submitted two places:

  1. Submit the thesis in Inspera. Inspera will be open for submission around the middle of May/September - after the candidate numbering has taken place. The deadline for submission can be found on the course and semester page for the Master's thesis in your field of study.

    Before you submit your thesis, you must convert it to pdf. If you need help with conversion, please contact IT help on the second floor. 
  2. Submit your Master's thesis to DUO in Studentweb. It is mandatory that you submit your Master's thesis in DUO. You can do this in Studentweb. 

The department does not cover costs for printing your Master's thesis.

Title page

Make sure to use the University library's title page template for your Master's thesis.


The thesis should contain a 1-2 page summary of the main findings. The summary should appear first, after the title page.

Restrict access to your Master´s thesis

If you are going to restrict access to your Master's thesis, you must follow the specified instructions that UiO has for this.

Published Mar. 13, 2023 2:06 PM - Last modified June 7, 2024 11:05 AM