Norwegian version of this page

The Master's thesis

The master's thesis should be submitted in the fourth semester of the programme unless you have applied for a postponement or have been on leave during the study period.

The exam consists of two parts:

  • The Master's thesis
  • Oral: An academic discussion lasting approx. 45 minutes on different aspects of the Master's thesis

Word count

The Master´s thesis must be between 23000 and 30000 words, not including the literature list and any attachments. If two students write together, the thesis should be between 28000 and 37000 words excluding literature list and any attachments.

Deadline for submitting your Master´s thesis

As of spring 2023:

Spring semester: May 21 at 14.00
Oral exam: June

Fall semester: October 1
Oral exam: November/December

Exam details

There will be a commission consisting of two sensors, where at least one is external. The supervisor may not be one of the examiners, but shall be available to the commission during their censorship work.

The examiners set a preliminary grade on the thesis and the oral exam has an adjusting function of the final grade. You will receive a final grade after the oral exam has been completed. The Master´s thesis weighs heaviest in the overall grade. Your oral exam can only vary one grade; up or down from the grade you received for your Master´s thesis.

You must receive a passing grade on your Master´s thesis in order to qualify to take the oral exam. You must receive a passing grade on both parts of the exam in order to pass the exam.

Students who write their Master´s thesis together will take the oral exam individually.

Published July 13, 2023 12:37 PM - Last modified June 7, 2024 11:02 AM